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The Broken Compass - Markus' Plotter

Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
The Basics
Markus is young, but that doesn't stop or hamper his stride. As a professional, he is already turning heads in certain STEM and DoD fields for his contributions and work in Physics and Engineering. He is known to be a kind, and approachable man, but someone to watch out for if bidding against, or making enemies of.

Probably most surprising to anyone with an eye of the young man is his recent leave of absence. Once a powerhouse in the field he has all but disappeared from the scene in the last few weeks. It is no big secret that his family had a recent tragedy, and anyone with any real computer googling skills would be able to learn that he has publicly stepped away from work in order to "Pursue Higher Education", a further search would show that he is enrolled as a student in a STEM Masters Degree program at Baxendale College, located in the city of Easthaven.

Markus is as Mundane as Mundane gets for an individual in Easthaven. No known direct connections to the supernatural, other than his sister who was a known user of Ritual Magic, he seems to all to be a human whom has, like countless before him, disavowed and relinquished the believe in all things magical. Which puts him in an awkward position as he navigates learning more about his sister's murder.

Markus is a friendly individual, confident, steadfast, and a true ally. Though he is slow to make true friends, he is quick to buddy up, share a drink, and pass stories with just about anyone.

The truth of the matter is, if your not a jerk, you can probably find a drinking partner, shoulder to cry on, or friend to laugh with in Markus. He doesn't talk about himself so much as he is invested in, and attentive to, the needs and desires of others. Always being on to learn rather than to share.

IC Links:
  • Algy. While he would not go so far as to call the NATO professional a friend, as much as he would call him a colleague, and a good point of reference for the city. Especially with their past deployments.

It is very rare for Markus to count someone as an enemy. A rival, absolutely, a political or professional opponent, likely even. But, for Markus the word enemy is strong, and vast, and for someone with a relatively uneventful life has not yet come up.

That being said, Markus is not one to pull his punches professionally, and in the world of STEM and DoD is pretty cutthroat. In the small time between him learning that his sister had been lost, and him stepping away from his professional career he only got worse, and even would seem scornful to the people who once respected him.
All this means is that, if you are someone he ran into in the past while deployed with the DoD, or in the STEM world it is possible he was harsh, ruthless, and even mean spirited. Meaning, while he does not consider anyone his enemy, it is possible someone else could feel differently about him.

IC Links:

As a young, confident, and well together individual Markus has had his fair share of relationships. From one night stand while on active deployment, to trysts held stateside the list of possible connections romantically for Markus is not a short one.

With that in mind, Markus is not one to get attached, in his professional life the mission, job, or contract always came first. He was too busy to form deep connections, and preferred unmessy encounters. While more recently his mind has been occupied with discovering what happened to his sister, meaning his desires have all but vanished to the wayside.

If you are interested in being a past flame with Markus, I am very much open to it with some cavoites:
Markus does not cheat, never has and never would. He is strait forward with his desires, goals, and situations from the start, and if someone is unable to accept that whatever they have is meant to be temporary, he would not engage with them in that way.
In a similar vein, if he was to discover that he was 'the other guy', in a situation where someone is being cheated on, he would pull the rug out of the relationship on the spot, and in most cases talk directly to the other party as soon as possible to fix, and mend any possible mess before it got worse.
Though Markus is not one to build attachments, this does not mean he is not one to get broken hearts, and fail in his own attempts to keep things unmessy, if you have a plot idea, lets talk about it!

IC Links:
  • Dune. Markus and Dune had a fling while on deployment, Markus does not know she is in town, in the know about the supernatural, or part of the Exchange.

Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
The Sister
At the start, the biggest connections Markus will have to the city itself will be through his late twin sister Victoria, and not ones he found himself. The two of them separated in college, going different paths and while he went into the world of military contracting and DoD assignments, she followed a path of adventure and the unknown.
Victoria was an Arcanist in Easthaven, and would have a name for herself as a bit of a problem child. Early on, she would have trouble not sticking her hands into the cookie jars, and probably have had more than one encounter with the Exchange, or other organizations reminding her to be careful.
She is a master of 'tiptoeing' the line, and though she never crossed it until the end, she absolutely would have wet her feet in as many ponds as possible.

For anyone interested in being a connection point through Victoria, please check out the Wanted Add: Spinning the Web

IC Links:
  • Sunako. Victoria was employed at the Arcana Shop, she wrote to Markus that the owner was a good person, made good tea, and that she felt safe at the shop.
  • Asphodel. Victoria wrote about a friend, Delilah King, and though the details were lacking there is a bit of information about haunts they went to, and times they had.
  • Malik. Victoria had borrowed a book on Magick from Malik, and was working with him on research.
    • Sorry to Bother You, Mike comes looking for the book Victoria borrowed, and instead reveals to Markus that Victoria was an Arcanist.

  • Max. Victoria and Max were lovers, very little is known about this, and the only thing Victoria wrote was that Max was hot, and ex-military.

  • Emily. Victoria and Emily knew one another and had a tense friendship. Victoria only wrote about Emily once, with very little detail.

  • Serafina. Victoria and Sera were acquainted through an interest in magic.
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
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