Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » June Update


It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

Warming up with Hot Meal.
Bruant Hall 

Vauxhall Market
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
As the day waned from it's afternoon zenith, both she and Kai would step off the bus and finally arrived at the food market he spoke so highly of.

Elira had spent much of the bus ride looking out the window watching the scenery pass by with Kai sharing a seat just next to her. Every now and them one of them would attempt idle conversation but once the small talk ran it's course Elira would go back window watching. It wasn't that she dislike conversation, she just found it difficult and exhausting to keep it up for the entire duration of the trip. Besides, the real questions she wanted to ask she was saving when the both of them sat down to enjoy a meal together, especially in regard to the pattern of scales along Kai's hips.

“Vauxhall Market you said this place was? Seems busy.” commented Elira as she observes the tourist and locals alike congregating inside.

From what she understood, the main building that was more or less just one really long hallway flanked by the sides by various food vendors each operating a space no larger than single room. The exception was rotunda area in the middle of the building which supposedly had tables and chairs for weary travelers to rest their feet and enjoy their meals.

Just outside the market building, Elira could spot a small number of outdoor stalls and boutique carts hawking wares such as clothing or handcrafted goods from what she could tell. An old statue, depicting whom Elira could only assume was some notable historical figure of the city's colonial past, was propped in front of the building while resting atop a granite pedestal. Also present were several empty stone benches scattered about that they could potentially occupy if the indoors was too crowded for them. That is so long as they don't mind tolerating a bit of outdoor cold from the vestiges of winter.

“So I guess we go in and get our food then? And... try not to get separated along the way.”
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
The bus ride was uneventful, which Kai appreciated. He looked forward to sitting with Elira, maybe asking about how she had moved the rocks without touching them, something he wasn't going to ask of someone he had just met at a remote beach on a cold day. It sounded like the lead up to finding a body or something.

Vauxhall Market was busy, but that was normal. Their breath puffed before them in the cold, as if they were making clouds, and being inside would be preferred. Kai didn't mind it too much, but he thought Elira would feel better being in the warmth.

“Its usually busy, because the food is good and varied.” The bus roared off, leaving noxious fumes behind, like a cat peeing on its territory. “Let's go, the air is nicer there, too.”

As he had on the beach, he extended his hand. “This will help us stay together,” he said, cheerily stating the obvious.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“M-mhmm? O-oh! Y-yeah... good idea.” stammered Elira as she noticed the outward hand held out to her once again. This time around there was little hesitation on her part in accepting Kai's offer as her hand hand falls into his. With palm and palm clasp together and their fingers interweaving into a familiar hold, Elira allows Kai to take the lead. Together they march past the swarming mass of people and make their way inside the market building, with Elira pressing close against Kai as to avoid bumping into others as much as possible.

Once inside, she was faced with a long corridor populated by the hungering masses whom echoing chattering reverberate down the long hall noisily. Above she could make out the hanging signs advertising a diverse collection of flavorful delights from sweet to savory, with almost every culture's culinary innovations, from western Mediterranean to eastern oriental, represented in one compact space. Her nose meanwhile was assailed by delectable aromas as she could make out the scents of seared meats, roasted veggies, fresh bread, and pungent spices lingering in the air.

Elira was almost paralyzed for choice as she tries to make out the signs and menus of food vendors but finds her line-of-sight continuously blocked by passing families and carless tourist. Clinging close to Kai, Elira finds herself leaning more so into his arm as to avoid being shoulder checked by crowd of people. Looking up to her companion, Elira couldn't but to feel as child latching onto a parental figure with how Kai stood nearly a foot taller than herself and the most of the crowd. Forced to tilt her head back, she wondered how nice the view must have been for him to just see past everyone.

“So... umm... see anything we should give a try?”
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Being tall did help when he was in a crowd. The people ahead of him didn't exactly part like the Red Sea, but he was able to hold his own and not get too jostled. He kept a firm hold on Elira's hand and, every now and then, encouraged her to move slightly behind him, so she could walk more easily in the busy place. It was the rough equivalent of travelling in deep snow, where he would have directed her to walk in his footprints, or if they were swimming in rough water, to follow him rather than swim at his side so he would take the brunt of the waves.

For the most part, Elira kept up with him and seemed comfortable holding his hand. There had been no hesitation in taking it this time, as there had been on the beach, and Kai was glad of it. He didn't want to make her nervous. Some part of him was certain she didn't need his help and could take care of herself, but another felt protective and wanted to help keep her safe.

“I see a lot of things we could try,” he said over his shoulder, sharing a big smile with her. “Is there a type of cuisine you'd prefer?” Fancy word, that: cuisine. He must have watched far too many cooking shows when there wasn't anything else to do in the evenings at Lethe.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Ack! He shot her again with that big dumb smile that makes her heart feel weak! Spurring away from Kai's stupid handsome face in silent hope that Kai does not register that hint of rosiness in her cheeks, Elira returns her focus on the signboards hanging above them. Perhaps he will just think she is just looking for place to eat at and not realize he had flustered yet again from his... kindly southern hemisphere charm?

“S-something err... Mediterranean?” she suggested, latching onto a culinary region whom diet she is most familiar with. Almost as soon as she mentioned it, Elira could spot sign reading 'Polis Gyros' in faux Greco-style font with bold red letters reading 'A Taste of the Mediterranean'. That will do she thought.

“Ah, something Greek perhaps?” pointed out Elira as she to direct Kai's attention to the quaint little Greek-style restaurant, complete with decorative ionic columns made of plaster that harkens back to themes of classical Greece. From what she can see, there were a few people queuing up in a line but it did not appear to be a long wait. But long enough to at least give them to look over the menu which, in addition gyros, also appears to include popular Greek street food staples such as spanakopita, dakos and dolmades.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
He noticed her rosy cheeks, but thought it was from the cold. Though he was aware enough to guess that it could be due to his smile, he didn't consider it was as likely as the weather.

Elira chose a type of cooking Kai wasn't overly familiar with, but that wasn't a problem. He was an omnivore, he could handle different foods. She directed him to a potential place that advertised Greek food. As they moved closer to join the line, he inhaled deeply and the aromas did not dissuade him from pursuing this cuisine.

“It smells incredible,” he said, his baritone voice low and excited with the prospect of a meal from this place. He leaned down to speak closer to her ear again, as he had on the beach, hoping she would be able to hear him better over the crowd. “What do you recommend I try, Ee-lyr-a?”
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Elira nods in agreement to Kai's assessment, the food did smell incredible. And it seemed authentic too, the atmosphere reminding her of the small gyros stands she would to pass by when prowling for easy marks along the Athenian streets. Back in days when she and Mr. Gjoka made good money off of hungry customers too enamored by a spinning rotisserie of meat to notice a missing wallet or phone. At least until they tried to pay for meal. A familiar scene that could have played out here... if she were not conscious of one of her hands already occupied holding onto Kai that was.

As Elira studied the menu now they inserted themselves into the line, it left her unprepared for the low whisper of Kai breathing into her ear. Goosebumps run down her body with only a quite hiccup escaping her mouth in response. Yet as the tingles ebbed away, her mind now raced to come up something to say as she recovered from her daze somewhat.

“O-oh. Y-you should try... uhhh-” as she turned her head, she didn't realize just how close he was to her until their eyes locked, barely a breath's distance between their faces. Dangerously... and temptingly close. “... m-me?”

Elira blinked once. Then twice. Then thrice until she registered what the FUCK she just said. Why did she even say that? Why was she such a disaster around Kai!? She could hardily think straight around him and now she had to fast spin her way out of this blunder of poor wording uttered by her stupid impulsive mouth. Times like this reminds her why she talks to birds rather than people.

“M-M-MEAT! You should t-try the meat! T-the gyros I mean!” stammered Elira, her pitch warbling as she tried to correct herself. Pulling herself away and slipping from Kai's grasp on her, she frantically point at one variations of gyros displayed on the menu sign.

“I-it says s-s-select from you beef a-and pork and... c-chicken? Y-yeah chicken too...” stammered Elira as she starts listing off options though sounds less enthused at the mention of chicken. Still unable to face Kai for the moment, she just continues to ambles and ramble as though she herself was one trying to sell the damn meat wrap to him “T-then they put on some lightly oiled pita, wrap it up with some sliced v-vegetables, spices and... err... of spoonful tzatziki. Sound good right? I p-promise it will be good!”
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
She turned her head and there she was, cute and pretty and - nervous? Did she just suggest he try her? Kai blinked a few times, too, his eyes still on hers. It would have been easy to kiss her; he bet she tasted sweet. They had only just met, though, and they were deciding on a hot meal to warm up from being on the beach, so when she clarified 'meat' as a thing to try, he nodded, smiled and pulled back to look at the menu again.

Though she mentioned chicken, he recalled it was something she didn't eat, that along with pork, so he would avoid those options, too.

“That does sound good. I think I'll have some gyr-os, beef on a pita. Did I get that right?” He wanted to be ready to order so he wouldn't hold up the line.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“It's... hrmmm. J-just say the gyros. B-beef gyros.” answered Elira, still unable to bring herself to face him as she tries to correct his pronunciation. Moving up a spot by spot in the line, it was not long until it came their turn to place their order.

“Welcome to Polis Gyros! How can I help you two.” greeted the young man operating the front, giving the both of the them faint friendly smile.

“H-hey. I would like the beef gyros.” ordered Elira, peering behind the counter to watch the pair of cooks working hard in the kitchenette as they keep up with influx of orders before then adding on “A-and the dolmades too. O-oh and some bottled water.”

“Great! Your name?” asked the young gentleman then as he taps his fingers on screen and writes her order on piece of paper.

“Err... E-elira. A-and he is going to order too.” she said, stepping back to give Kai a space to place his order.

As Kai order's his meal, she will stand by and wait for him to pay for both of their meal. Afterwards, all they will needed to is wait for them to call up their names and pick up their food when it was ready. Judging by how fast they were calling out names, she did not think they need to wait for too long.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Elira placed her order and stepped back so he could do the same.

All he said was, “I'll have what she's having, please.” It was easier, even though he didn't know what dolmades were or why people insisted on drinking bottled water. He paid for both their meals and Kai returned to her side. He thought he'd ask her about the dolmades, but decided to let himself be surprised. It was likely she would be able to explain while they ate.

Thinking of which, they would want a place to sit. Kai could eat standing up, the same as he could sleep standing up. Needs must. That didn't mean it was the most comfortable way to consume nutrition. His height helped him scan the area near them, but didn't see any free tables. There was signage in the way, too, and it wasn't as if he was the only tall person in the market.

He leaned in to speak in Elira's ear again, since the volume around them hadn't changed, and asked, “Did you want to try to find a table and I'll join you, or would you rather wait until we have our food and look together?” Though she seemed a bit shy, he didn't want to assume she would want to wait nor did he want her to think that he thought her incapable of finding a table by herself.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Though not as caught off guard like she was earlier, the way Kai whispered into her ear still sent shivers down her spine and churred butterflies in her stomach. The guy could make something as boring as reading a dictionary sound pleasurable to her ears.

“W-we can stand here. I do not think it will take that much longer.” said Elira, making sure to not make the same mistake of turning her to face Kai. She REALLY did not want to say something stupid again.

The pair would barely need to a few minutes until both of their names were called, their food left on the counter to picked up. Elira wasted no time collecting her container tray, lifting the tab to peer inside to confirm the food really was for her before taking it for herself along with the bottled water which she stuffs inside one of her pockets.

“There see? We can go find a table now. Or... try to find one.” remarked Elira as she looks down the hall, uncertain if they would a table or not inside. Well worst comes to worst, they can always find empty bench outside at least.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
He was fine with waiting and as Elira had predicted, they didn't have to wait very long before their meals were ready. Both containers should have been carrying the same things, but Kai figured she was making sure they had provided them with the correct order. She seemed satisfied, so he picked up the remaining container and bottle and turned to scan the area for a place to sit.

“There's one,” he said a moment later, but as he started in that direction, another couple claimed it. Kai stopped. “Someone beat us to it...” He resumed his search, hoping they would find a spot before their food grew cold. Doubtless it would still be delicious and really, it was still very hot to hold, so there were no worries.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Elira joined in on the search but the prospects were not promising as every seat appeared to be occupied. Not really wanting to stand around trying to find an open table and wait for their to turn cold and soggy, she looked to one of the exits and gives Kai a sharp elbow to get his attention.

“H-hey, why don't we go eat outside? I saw plenty of benches out there. Far less crowded than in here I suspect.” suggested Elira as she leers at all the happy people sitting down enjoying their meals.

Sure it may have been still a bit chill outdoors but in all honesty, she rather be somewhere else with less people. Crowds were never really her style. Plus, she was pretty certain Kai did not mind the cold at all based on their earlier encounter.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Elira suggested they eat outside, despite the cold weather. He was fine with that, but thought she would prefer the warmer environs of the market. Still, if she wasn't fond of crowds, sitting outside would be preferable to staying indoors.

“Sure,” Kai said with a smile. He turned to move in the direction if the doors they had entered by. It didn't matter which way they were moving, though, as it was slower progress than he would have liked.

Not wanting to lose track of Elira, he let her take the lead and stayed right behind her. Every so often he said things like 'left', 'right' and 'go straight'. Twice he put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from getting ploughed over by people barging through.

Eventually they reached the doors and were outside. Blessed, blessed air... It probably hadn't taken as long as it had seemed to take, but Kai was still glad they had made it unscathed and without losing any of their food.

There were several benches near the entrance that would suit them.

“Where would you like to sit?” He figured she should choose where she would be most comfortable.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“Okay. Let us stick close then.” said Elira as she lead the way to nearest doors, more or less herded by Kai to avoid the worst of the oncoming crowd.

Once out the doors, Elira inhaled the crisp fresh air that was in contrast to how warm and stuffy it was indoors. As Kai asked where they should seat themselves, she pointed out an open bench little away from main building that had that was flanked by a pair of outdoor patio heaters. It was a prime spot, perfect to keep snug and warm, that yet to be claimed by anyone.

“There.” announced Elira, already making her way bench and taking a seat before anyone had any ideas of taking it for themselves. Not that there any really competition to worry about out here it seems.

“Ah, this nice. Let us eat.” announced Elira, flipping open the container tab filled with still warm dolmades and gyros.

“Ever had Greek food before Kai? You do not seem too familiar with the cuisine.” remarked Elira as she picks up a finger-length dolmades to sink her teeth into as she awaits a reply.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Elira was quick and claimed the bench near the heaters before anyone else had a chance to do so. There didn't seem to be a rush on them, though, as most were intent on being indoors.

Kai sat beside her and opened his own box. A glance at her box confirmed that they had, indeed, identical meals. He assumed they were correct, since he didn't know what to expect. There were pictures on the board behind the counter of the Greek kiosk, but sometimes advertising was deceptive.

“No, I haven't,” he said, tucking one corner of a napkin at the neck of his top. “If you don't mind, I'll watch how you eat so I'll know how to do it.” Then he stared at her with big eyes and waited for instructions.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“Oh you... just eat it? It street food. But... l-let me show you.” responded Elira with an arched brow but nevertheless holds up her dolmades to demonstrate for the expectant Kai.

“Just pick up between the fingers and-” she bites of the finger length snack into half, with one part still held between her finger and thumb with it's filling exposed while the other half elicits a pleased mummering “Mhmmm!~” from within her mouth.

Still holding onto half of her original dolomade, she shows off the rice filling interior once hidden by cooked leaf wrapping. Within the cooked grains of rice could make out the dice onions and chopped herbs with a pleasantly waft zesty lemon and pungent garlic also mixed in. After making sure Kai had a full view of what was inside, she pops in the other half into her mouth and swallows. Bemused by Kai's intrigue as how to eat Greek food, she sets the remaining dolomades aside and retrieves the gyros to show him next.

“Like that. And yes you are suppose eat grape leaf wrapping so do not be like tourist and peel it off. And for the gyros-”

Switching to her other food order, she holds the wrap with both hands and opens wide to remove a big chuck off of one corner. With slight approving nod to it's quality, she sets pita wrapped goodness of shaved beef filled with savory veggies, flavorful spices, and a dollop of that creamy tzatziki sauce back into her makeshift tray platter.

“MHMM! Like that. Just hold firm and be careful not let insides fall out.” warned Elira as she dabs her mouth with napkin to remove meaty residue and droplets of creamy white tzatziki off her lips and chin.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Kai watched attentively, noting that she ate everything that was food. He thought it odd that there were people who didn't eat the grape leaf. He knew that some didn't eat seaweed, but this was something grown on land. Then again, his father's people occasionally ate their food raw and his mother's people liked to barbecue everything - sometimes until it was unrecognizable.

People were weird.

He picked up the grape leaf and took a bite like a 'normal' person. Even though he was new to this country, he didn't consider himself a 'tourist'. It tasted interesting, good, even. Yes. Kai nodded and made a 'mmm' noise as he chewed, giving Elira a small smile - with his mouth closed, of course. He had manners.

Then he placed the grape leaf down and licked his fingers before picking up the gyro. He tried to replicate the way she had held her gyro, but some of the 'insides' fell out anyway. He looked up at Elira, briefly, before taking a bite, chewing slowly to taste it properly. His chewing sped up and he nodded with more 'mmm' sounds. It was very good. Setting it down, he picked up the parts that had fallen out with his fingers and licked them after with pleasure.

“I like Greek food,” he said decisively.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“So I see.” remarked Elira watching as Kai wastes not crumb as he licks his fingers clean.

Balancing the trays of food on her lap, she looks looks to Kai as if she had something she wanted say. With so many questions on her mind she wished to ask and them relatively alone, now made prefect opportunity to ask her those most burning questions. As soon as she can figure out how to ask them at is.

“So... umm... I noticed that you had... err...” the girl then bit on her lower lip, her fingertips prattle against the lip of the food tray as though internally debating if she commit to the question or not. But after second or two of hesitation, she would make her curiosity known “Scales? O-or... something that looked l-like scales? On your hips I mean. Umm... are those... real? I-if that is okay that i-is.”
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Kai continued to eat, wondering why he had never tried Greek food before. There would have been plenty of opportunity until he'd gone in search of his father's people, but it just wasn't something his family had in the house for meals. When he was out with friends in high school, he tended toward pizza and burgers, things his fellow students liked.

It was apparent Elira wanted to say something and soon it emerged as a question. She'd seen his scales, very faint reminders of his heritage. In the past, he had told anyone who had noticed - a total of only three - that it was a tattoo and no, they couldn't touch it. His current companion sounded curious, but not as if she had an ulterior motive.

Continuing to go with the instinct that told him she was a good person, he nodded, swallowed and said, “Yes, they are, and yes, its okay to ask. I don't think you'll tell anyone.”
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Elira's eyes widen, surprised that he even acknowledge his scales and not try to excuse it as something like a peculiarly strange birthmark. While the honest answer was welcomed, she wasn't sure if it was because Kai came to trust her in their short time together or if he was just too... revealing for his own good.

“O-oh! Y-yeah I promised not tell a-anyone about them. S-surprised you even told me...”

If the positions where reversed and he inquired her about her feathers, she probably would have just brushed them off as hair accessories like almost everyone else whom noticed. Still, he was right in that she would keep his secret to herself for she understood the need to keep the inhuman parts hidden as not to draw attention to themselves being freaks. Not that she really expected most folks to believe her that Kai was some mermaid boy. She almost would not have believed it herself had she not seen the scales... or him swimming in the frigid cold.

“Sooo... have you always... h-had them?” inquired Elira once again, knowing that perhaps she was being nosy but she has never met someone similar to herself before. Perhaps in learning more Kai will help her learn more of herself?
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
If Elira were to ask him if he trusted her or if he was a little blind to what should and should not be revealed, his answer would be 'yes'. He realized after that he probably shouldn't have burdened her with that knowledge, because where there were scales, there were merfolk or, at the very least, something 'fishy'.

Kai considered her for a moment, trying to phrase what he was about to say in a manner that wouldn't seem odd, but as a creature with few filters, whatever was said would have to do.

“I've always had them,” he said. “And I guess I told you because there's something about you that feels like we might be... kindred spirits.” That wasn't an attempt at a pick-up line. He had seen stones lift to her hand. “You're new here?” He took another bite of his gyro, not wanting it to get cold, though he would eat it, regardless of temperature. It was that good.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“Kindred spirits...” repeated Elira, thinking on those last words while eating her food while it was still warm. Had he noticed her feathers as she had noticed his scales? Was there some quality of otherness that she let slip and he picked up on? Was he... trying to woo her? With how aloof Kai was it was difficult to be certain but perhaps he wasn't entirely oblivious of her nature.

“U-uh... m-m-maybe. A-and yes I am new h-here. C-came her a few months back.” stammered Elira as she gave her answer before then asking him in return “H-how about you? L-lived here all your l-life or-”

It was then she recalled him saying that he was down south earlier at the beach.

“Oh r-right. You said that you were from the south. So... I guess you moved here at some p-point.” remarked Elira, in a way answering her own question.
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
She looked a little confused and also a little alarmed. As she stammered an answer, Kai put alarmed before confused. He smiled in an effort to make her feel relaxed.

“I see. I'm from New Zealand and I was... moved here last year. On a boat. Yes.” It sounded plausible and was the truth, in a way. “I've never been to America before. Have you?” He still couldn't place her accent. “Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?”

He had another bite of his gyro and watched her while he chewed. He thought she was pretty and seemed nice. If he broached the topic of seeing her move the stones, it would be after they had finished eating. Stress was bad for the digestion and it might be a stressful topic.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
“... New Z-zealand?” repeated Elira as confusion wrinkles her face “I know of a Zeeland in... err... Netherlands I think y-you call it? Been there once. B-but... I do not think you are Holandeze t-though. Anyway, no I never been to America b-before either.”

There was slight shrug of her shoulders at the end of her list remark. When the question that inquired where she was came back up again, Elira hesitated. She was not to folks about herself but with Kai... she couldn't help feel he was someone safe to confide in.

“I... I do mind. But...” her voice trailed off, looking to Kai to watch his expression when Elira then mumbled in a low, barely audible tone “...Shqipëria. Err... probably know it better as Albania though.”

Elira couldn't help but feel a little embarrasses to admitting where she was from to Kai. It wasn't her biggest secret but she knows that her little country Albania didn't really have much of glamorous reputation to it. Not when most folks seems to think crime is their country's biggest export.

Translation: Holandeze [Dutch]
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
He was glad that she trusted him, because she really didn't have anything to worry about when it came to Kai. He was already calling her 'friend' in his head and unless convinced she was anyone harmful, he would defend her without question or, probably, request. Knight in shining armour? No, no armour and maybe more like an angry sea warrior, defending his pod.

“I've heard of Albania,” he said. “You have beautiful beaches and the uninhabited islands of... I'll mispronounce this, sorry... Ksamil...” It sounded like he was saying 'kiss-amill'. “I've never bean, but my family is aware and some have visited.”

Kai set his lunch aside, pulled out his mobile, entered the password and did a Google search for a map of the world. He turned the screen so she could see and he pointed to - “New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere, near Australia, and no where near the Netherlands.”
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Elira couldn't help but perk up her head in pleasant surprise of Kai of not only knowing of her home country but even having heard of the resort town of Ksamil. A location which she was very much familiar with in those days when she would swipe good money off tourist too busy enjoying to pristine beaches and wading in the almost Caribbean-like waters in the few times she visited. Hopefully that wouldn't happen to include Kai's family during their last visit.

“O-oh! I-its pronounced more like... Ksamil. B-but you were close.” reassured Elira, whom couldn't couldn't hide her smile or light blush on her cheeks as she continues blather with unusual excitement “It is beautiful place that most folks don't suspect in Albania. E-especially the Americans. But... must have been awhile since your family last visited. Those beaches have become very popular with tourist these days and there are always folks going to to visit those islands. Usually by boat though.”

As she finished saying what she had in regards to Ksamil, Elira leans her head to look at Kai's phone to look at the spot on the map his finger was pointing to. It was on part of the globe that she had never really noticed and always had just lumped into being of Australia next door. Something she suspect was a terrible assumption but she was never really good with geography outside of Europe. Still, she couldn't help but feel like the ignorant one here.

“Oh so that is New Zealand. Y-yeah about as far away from the Netherlands as you can get actually. So uhh... what is New Zealand like?”
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Kai listened attentively as Elira described her country and the beaches he had mentioned with obvious delight and some surprise. His father's pod liked their privacy for obvious reasons, so it was vaguely disappointing to learn that the tourists were more frequent visitors to one of the spots that had been rarely disturbed by humans in the past. There were fewer places by the day, it seemed, that were considered free and safe for anything that lived in the ocean.

“I don't think they've been there recently, no,” he said, having no idea if that was true. If the pod was aware of the increased activity, then certainly, they would have been cautious about visiting.

She was good at directing the conversation away from her, asking perfectly reasonable questions about him and apparently interested in the answers. He wouldn't push any of his questions forward at the moment and was comfortable answering hers.

“New Zealand is beautiful.” He pulled his phone back and flicked through a few images that Google provided. Turning the phone back to her, he smiled. “My mother lives on Te Ika-a-Māui, the North Island. She's Māori and an artist. I grew up there. So much of the island is... breathtaking.” Kai dragged his finger across the screen, flipping through more images for Elira to see.
Elira Gjoka Offline
Harpy Half-Blood
Between the snowcapped peaks contrasting with the verdant greenery and cerulean waters, Elira nodded in subtle agreement of Kai's statement regarding island's natural beauty as he swipes though picturesque images of New Zealand on his phone. A paradise that made Elira curious as why Kai left such place and up in the East Coast of America of all places.

“Oh... y-yeah. Very pretty place.” she commented before then reclining back in her seat to take another bite from her meal then ask mid chewing “So... why are you-”

Realizing it would be unclothe of her speak while food was still in her mouth, Elira paused her sentence to quickly swallow the food before then continuing with her question.

“S-sorry... why are you here in Easthaven? If... that is okay to a-ask.”
Kai Mahuta Offline
Merfolk Half-Blood
Kai understood the urge to continue speaking, even while someone was chewing. He had been there himself, especially when he was little. Elira caught herself doing it and he hoped she didn't make herself choke by swallowing too quickly. He'd been there, too, though not for years.

He smiled when she was able to ask her question. “Its okay, I don't mind,” he assured her. Not wanting to burden her with the real reason he had travelled to Easthaven - abduction, forced captivity and imminent sale were not pleasant topics for such a nice day - he replied, “It was an impulse. Maybe Fate brought me here.”

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