Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » June Update


It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

Wolves in the Moss

Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter

Apprentice ⇒ Master

Mundian ⇒ Bewarian

Participate in 4 player-run or site-run events
Magic Ability Instances
Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or level ability 15x: 15
Participate in Encounter Thread 4x
One (1) thread involving tests of skill relevant to your Path with another PC
Basic Thread Prompts   
Backfire Thread Prompts
  • Light the Fire, Feast | Go Feral in human form.
  • Go Feral from shifting back and forth, exceeding the maximum and rolling Attunement.
  • Go through an Encounter under the effects of Aconite.
Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Magical Oaths
✔ Promised not to tell anyone about Emily trying to do ritual magic.
✔ Promised not to tear Asphodel apart 'if he could help it.'
✔ Promised Dune to 'drag you out of danger, whatever it is.'

The War was in Colour - Carbon Leaf
Control - Halsey
My Body - Young the Giant
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover - Paul Simon
Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter

In the Eyes of the City

Man About Town (21-30) ⇒ Rank 4 (31-40)

Reputation (29)
What the Exchange Knows
  • Aquainted with Juniper, a charge of the Exchange.
  • Has spoken to the Inquisitor over phone, but hasn't directly dealt with the Exchange to date.
  • Old friend of Dune, an Exchange agent.

What the Police Know
  • A former paramedic with a local EMS service.
  • Currently moving into a career as a firefighter.
Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter
Brawler Rank III ⇒ Brawler Rank IV
4x thread training

4x threads utilizing Mundane Keyword
Take it on the chin | Strike 3x
Acquainted with the night | Strike 6x
I want this plot to twist | 2x
Midnght Train Going Anywhere | Strike 3x

4x threads utilizing Mundane Keyword in Encounter
A forked tongue drips poison in your ear | Strike 2x
Wit waits on fear | Strike 2x
For a sudden stitch | Strike 3x
Witching Hour | Strike 2x

40x rolling Strike utilizing desired skill
  • Total: 23
Max Kuryakin Offline
Wolf Shifter

Previous Advancement

(01/04/2024) ✓

Novice ⇒ Apprentice

Deor ⇒ Mundian

Participate in 3 player-run or site-run events
Magic Ability Instances
Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or level ability 10x:
Concordance: 6x
Aspect: 6x

Participate in Encounter Thread 3x
One (1) thread involving tests of skill relevant to your Path with another PC  
Basic Thread Prompts   
Backfire Thread Prompts

(07/03/2023) ✓

Dabbler ⇒ Novice

Hyrd ⇒ Deor

Participate in 2 Player-Run or Site Events
Magic Ability Instances
Roll Cinder or Strike 30x ‣ 41x

Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or rank ability 10x
  • Aspect of the Beast 6x
  • Concordance 3x
  • Attunement 5x

Utilize Each Keyword 3x
  • Ground Sense 4x
  • Sound 3x
  • Partial Shift 3x
  • Synergy 3x
  • Brawler 4x

Participate in Encounter Thread 2x
Thread involving tests of skill relevant to your Path with another PC 1x
Fundamental Thread Prompts
Weakness Thread Prompts

(11/02/2022) ✓

Untrained ⇒ Dabbler

Reden ⇒ Hyrd

Magic Ability Instances 
Roll Cinder or Strike 20x: 24x
Use a cantrip, boon, charm, or level ability 5x: Aspect of the Beast 5x
Utilize Each Keyword 2x: Ground Sense 2x, Brawler 2x Encounters
Participate in Encounter Thread 1x  
Fundamental Thread Prompts: Shift
Overextend Thread Prompts: Experience going Feral
  • Ego Death | Enraged by an Onryo, Max loses himself in his werewolf instincts

Brawler Rank II ⇒ Brawler Rank III
3x thread training
3x threads utilizing Mundane Keyword
3x threads utilizing Mundane Keyword in Encounter
30x rolling Strike utilizing desired skill
  • Total: 33

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