Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

Crossing into the Circle
Exchange PI 

Sewing Circle
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder Collection Full success, Incense(Average Component)
Markus looked around the room as they talked and contemplated. The ritual was all but ready to be cast; they had a few components already, including the cotton balls Markus watched her add. As he looked, listening to her complement his style, Markus found a collection of incense. He remembered what Mac had taught him and what he had read. He wanted to focus on the senses when doing a ritual and provide for it. Finding a set of sticks he liked, he would bring them to the pile and start placing the objects in the circle.

“Mmmmh,” he let out a sound, thinking about what she was saying. “I like the idea of a belt; I wear it more than I wear ties,” Markus said, glancing her way with a smile, undoing his belt and setting it in the circle. It was pure leather of Italian make, he thought, but he wasn't sure. It would absolutely do for what they needed.
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder Collection Numbness, Complete success, average component

With them gearing up to the ritual proper, Emily got up, neatly putting her pen and notebook down on her seat and out of the way. She ambled after Dulce as she inspected the runes, walking around the table when Markus returned with the incense sticks.

Then, he added his belt to the circle and Emily made an approving noise. “Good pick,” she replied, liking to see Markus be so decisive about it. He seemed to be getting into his element as well. She then idly wondered if he would also enchant other colors of belt, just to have variety in his wardrobe.

Recalling the last time she'd cast this spell, she decided to add another component. Pressing her finger into the healed over scar on her thumb, a constant wound from her rituals, she drew on the sensation of numbness. It wasn't as bad as it used to be, now that she could make a healing ointment, but it was enough for her to collect the feeling and wrap it up in a tissue and add it to the ritual. “Numbness,” she informed Markus. “To go with the nullification.”
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
Markus nodded as Emily voiced her approval of his choice. “Nice, I like it,” he responded as she introduced the final item. Taking a moment to crack his neck, he looked one final time at what they had done. Taking care to place each of the items into the circle, he had intentionally left a space for them when he had drawn it. They had the runes, the circle, the focusing items, and the item to be enchanted. Only one thing remained.

“Do you think they would mind if we used the city power grid as an energy source? I doubt this would cause much more than a flicker in the room, and I don't really have anything else on me,” He asked idly. He had seen Mac use a generator before and was told about using batteries. He himself had used chemical combustion as a source of power. But, he didn't think the exchange would appreciate an explosive force in their attic, even if it was controlled.
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Emily huffed a dismayed laugh at his question, remembering what Billy had done to her building, and shook her head. She'd done it as well, in her very first ritual, and it made the whole room short out.

“Definitely don't- If it backfires, you might do more damage than you think,” she said, getting up to cross the room for her table again. Bending down, she hefted a fresh car battery from the shelf beneath it with her name clearly written across it. “I usually like to use fire, but without that, you can drop a some money on a car battery.”

Slipping both hands into the handle she started hefting it across the room toward Markus, and hauled it up onto the table, exhaling in exertion.
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder Ritual Prep 3/3, Critical Success
Markus cocked his head towards the laughed response and raised an eyebrow. It was interesting, and he assumed it was born from some experience. He could see how it would only be ideal if things went right. Though, he was relatively sure things would be fine.

As she spoke up, he nodded along and hummed in response. “ That makes sense. Better safe than sorry. I have mostly used fire or combustion as well.” Markus responded, thinking back to the combination of powders he had used before. As the battery was brought over, Markus smiled in thanks.

Taking a few moments, he would add a few runes to key the battery into the ritual, quickly finalizing the prep with a deft hand. When done he would look up, certain everything was in order.

“Ready?” Markus asked, checking in with Emily. He had pulled out a small pin, ready to draw blood.
Ritual Preparation :

Components :
3x Good Quality
2x Average Quality

Power Source :
Car Battery
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
With the ritual fully written out in chalk, and the components set, Emily checked through Markus' work one last time. She walked around the table, dark eyes roving over each rune, including the new ones attaching it to her car battery, and Dulce did the same, quietly chirruping a few notes to her witch. Markus' work was notably different from hers, and different from Billy's and Seras' as well.

It just showed Emily how individual the practice of magic was, with every person having their own ticks and tricks. Like a fingerprint. If she looked carefully, she thought she'd be able to identify Markus by his magic one day. Hopefully, it wouldn't be in troubling circumstances. After a round of inspection, the the woman nodded, satisfied.

After letting Dulce jump onto her shoulder and settle herself around the back of her neck, Emily took a step back from the table. Gesturing with one hand, she confirmed in a solemn tone, “Ready.”
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder Circle Activation, Exceptional Success
(Assistance Used)

Markus gave Emily a nod and a smile when she confirmed she was ready. Raising an eyebrow as her cat took such interest in the runes, he would check another box in his head, starting to believe the cat was more than just a large animal.

With a deep breath, Markus retrieved a small pin. He pressed it into the crease of his thumb, a location chosen with deliberate intent. His choices of where to draw blood, once careless, now held a newfound precision, a change that had occurred after his conversation with Max.

Flipping his hand over, Markus squeezed, allowing a few drops of his blood to fall onto the circle. As the runes ignited with a spark of life, he could feel the magic stirring, awakening. The smoke from the incense swirled around the circle, a dance of magic. The runes flared to life in rapid succession, illuminating the circle with a soft glow. Markus's gaze shifted to the battery, where the runes began to draw energy, a sign that his spell was taking effect. For the briefest moment, Markus braced himself, remembering the feeling of magic draining from him.

His eyes flicked towards Emily before returning to the circle as the magic took effect. A strange sensation in the air sparked as the nullification effect took hold before being focused on the belt in the center of the circle.

Taking a deep breath, the ritual would complete, ending as quickly as it started. He would smile, realizing that the ritual had gone off without a hitch, as far as he could tell. The belt didn't look much different other than the runes carved into its underside, but he knew it was enchanted. He wondered how he was going to test it.
Ritual Preparation :

Components :
3x Good Quality
2x Average Quality

Power Source :
Car Battery

Circle Activation :
Exceptional Success
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Emily didn't let it show on her face, but her body language was tense, ready. She'd done rituals with other practitioners enough times to get accustomed to other people's quirks, but she remained cautious as ever. When the runes ignited, she felt a little spark of adrenaline, but held her ground, watching as the spell took its course.

Unknowingly in tandem with Markus, she glanced over at the car battery as it began to draw power, quietly holding her breath. A moment later, the air around the table seemed to grow numb or muted, as if sound wasn't traveling through it at the same rate as the rest of the room. Or perhaps, energy in general. That was a good sign--at least, as long as it didn't explode beyond the boundaries of the spell. Who knew what an untethered nullification might do to them.

She heard Markus' breath and glanced over at him, before looking back to see the light die from the rune circle. She exhaled as well, and then, a few seconds later, let her shoulders unwind. “Not bad,” she murmured, cautious with her praise. She would wait until Markus handled the item to see if it was as stable as it looked.
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
After but a moment Markus reached forward and picked up the belt, he was tense of course, worried something was amiss, but his instincts and everything he had seen so far told him the ritual was a success. Holding the item in his hand, taking a moment to examine it, he looked up at Emily with a smile. Like herself, the tension in his shoulders was released.

He nodded at her words. “Agreed, I think we did it,” he commented, looking closely at the item. “Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you.” He said, meaning every word. Her insights were invaluable, and he was grateful for her thoughts, and contributions.
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Emily was watchful until Markus picked it up and inspected it. When it neither went unstable in some way, nor seemed to be off in the rune work, she exhaled again. Shaking her head, she offered demure smile at his thanks--she was glad to offer, but it was the least she could do for a fellow ritualist.

“Would you like to test it?” she asked seriously, lifting her eyebrows. She could think of a few things that might activate the shield that she had on hand.
Markus Eldridge Offline
Arcanist Human
Markus was glad that the belt didn't explode, though he had no reason to suspect it would, it was still a worrying moment as he picked it up. He would hum for a moment as he considered her question, he really should test it, so he nodded along.

“Yeah, we probably should.” He says, just as seriously. Every good engineer knows how important testing is. “Just... No fireballs okay?” he adds, he is only half joking.
Emily Reyes Offline
Arcanist Human
Cinder Light Lattice Slingshot activation, extraordinary success

Emily was pleased Markus agreed to test the belt, and nodded soberly as she stood. But when he mentioned fireballs, she couldn't help it--the staid witch hitched a laugh and shook her head.

“Don't worry!” she promised, offering him a smile as she flexed the fingers on her left hand, the rings on each finger shimmering with light. “I don't have anything that can do that.”

She crossed the workshop at a leisurely pace, putting a bit of distance between them, and as she did, the light shimmering around her rings began to build into the shape of a slingshot. It gave Markus time to put the belt on, or hold it between them, whichever he wanted to do.

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