A circular sander buzzed loudly, not that Dallas could hear it, giant headphones protecting his ears as well as a mask and sunglasses to protect his face. In truth, Dallas hadn't started out with the protective wear, causing him to yelp after the first five minutes of working because the metal shaving got into his eyes. Thankfully his darling roommate could help him flush his eyes later, and until then, Dallas just tried not to blink. Going to the doctor's was not an option, not because he couldn't afford it, but because Dallas always refused medical care.
A weirdo.
Anyways. Sanding.
Progress was finally being made on their hunk of metal dream mobile, the flooring inside finally strong enough to be decorated and fitted with equipment, Dallas was just putting the final touches on the roof. Spending every moment of free time working on the contraption, it was easy for Dallas to lose track of time, meaning it was little surprise that Dallas had spent nearly an entire Saturday working, his back, despite his pre-disposed genetics to tan deeply, was beginning to burn from the hours in the hot sun.
Last patch spot sanded, Dallas sat back on the roof and wiped his sweaty brow, picking up his discarded t-shirt to towel off his melting frame and yanking off the protective gear.
Finally. Some air.