Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » June Update


It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange
Lower Fens 

Tanaka Gokiburi Offline
Kaibyō Half-Blood

Not expecting visitors that day, Goki was likewise unaware of what he could expect when the doorbell chimed. A package delivery, maybe? A misplaced UberEats? His mom? Maybe it was even someone looking for Max--they'd be out of luck though, since Goki was the only living soul in the apartment. As far as he knew.

As such, he'd taken the liberty of shifting the couch aside to make room in the middle of the living room for some swordplay. He didn't need to do that, considering how large the space was, but better safe than sorry. His wooden bokken wasn't sharp, but it could still do some damage, and he wasn't interested in leaving a divot in the frame of the couch or scratching the fabric with the tip. He'd also brought out his big Bluetooth speaker so he could work out with some upbeat k-pop.

Fortunately, the chime sounded during in a quieter bridge, and didn't meld with the music, making it easy to pick out. Clicking off his music, the man trotted across the apartment with his bokken still in hand, sweating and puffing.

When he opened the door, his expression morphed from a look of furrowed focus to surprise at the sight of, not a package, not his mom, not some wayward and possibly lovelorn friend of Max's, but Theo Crowhurst. He hadn't seen the Inquisitor for a year and change at least, but he could still remember dropping Kairavi off with him. He remembered his relief, mainly, even if he was making the lion someone else's problem. What the hell was he gonna do with a werelion? Put her on his couch?

“Oh,” Goki puffed, propping the bokken on one shoulder. Belatedly, he grinned past the surprise, nodding his head as he looked the well-dressed man up and down. “Hey man, uh... What's up? Can I help you?”

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RE: O day and night, but this is wondrous strange - by Tanaka Gokiburi - 03-18-2024, 12:37 PM