Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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O day and night, but this is wondrous strange
Lower Fens 

Theo Crowhurst Offline
Cursed Human
Theo observed the man as he swung the wooden sword. They were idle swings, almost lazy, but Tanaka held the tool with an ease and confidence that further implied the man knew more than a bit. The moment of study was interrupted as the man tipped his head back, hollering for the spirit.

Hiding an amused smirk under his hand as he scrubbed at his chin. That could work as well as a Naming if the spirit was present at the moment, but when no woman manifested herself in the space after the shout, Theo had to assume she was not technically 'in.' That could be remedied easily enough.

It did not matter how loud you shouted a spirits name, so long as you said it with intent, and the correct form of it, they would feel the pull. So Theo did not need to shout out, instead he spoke her name under his breath, keeping it to himself. He wasn't certain how much Tanaka or Kuryakin knew, but the ghost has not shared it, so neither would Theo.

“Kanupriya Chitre,” he whispered into the space, the sound not carrying beyond the little entrance area.

He said it with the emphasis and intent required of calling a spirit by name, and Theo's own sense of correctness had him pronouncing it the way he'd seen it phonetically spelled out. He knew it wouldn't necessarily be immediate, some resisted on principle, some had forgotten their names and resisted an unknown pull.

The Englishman did not wait impatiently, turning to slip off his coat and hang it. From the bare feet of Tanaka and the shoes resting by the door, this was a shoes off household, so Theo bent to untie his laces and slip his shoes off as well.

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RE: O day and night, but this is wondrous strange - by Theo Crowhurst - 03-19-2024, 10:18 AM