Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » January Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » December Update

Early Winter

The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.

No uninteresting things, only uninterested people
Upper Fens 

Dalton's Abode
Dalton Cessair Offline
Arcanist Human
Dalton's grin did not dim in the face of her puzzlement, giving her time to realise he was no longer holding the umbrella. He was rewarded for his patience, her delighted laugh making him clasp his hands together in understated victory. A successful trick, a magician delivering what his audience wanted. Dalton was not showy, but he still enjoyed surprising people.

As she inquired why, her wonder another reward for his efforts, Dalton stepped back under the umbrella rather than risk getting rained on more than he needed. The umbrella continued to float between them, held reliably by his astral hand.

“One of my fields of research is what one might term the astral plane,” he began, trying not to get bogged down with the details. “Mastery over the astral allows for someone to project themselves into this unseen dimension–existing alongside the physical reality, you see. This is a... modified version of that, you might say. To put it simply, I am projecting a second pair of hands.”

Dalton spread his hands in front of himself, looking to Lin and wondering if she understood, or if he might have to go into more detail. Or even if she simply wanted to know more.

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RE: No uninteresting things, only uninterested people - by Dalton Cessair - 03-26-2024, 02:00 PM