The question had Max running his hand through his hair, gripping the back of his head as he frowned, thinking it over. He really couldn't pin down a moment where it seemed she'd just picked it up. “I dunno, man. I think she must've been doing the research before she met me, because she was deep into it the first time we talked about it.” Dragging his hand down the back of his neck, Max dropped it into his lap as El arrived with a fresh beer, taking the empty glass with her as she went to serve someone else. Max looked back at Markus after the distraction. “She was testing it regularly, though. I could spot that.”
Where the testing stopped, he couldn't know. He'd been able to smell dead things around her apartment; mice and rats, some birds. If she'd done anything bigger in her pursuit of knowledge, Max didn't know and didn't want to know. Apparently, at some point she must’ve got scared, realised where the line of inquiry was leading her. Nowhere good.