Nari continued to quietly marvel at the gulf between their magics. The trick of holding his umbrella was not nothing but it wasn't grand either; the idea that it took a great deal of research to get to spoke to how magic just didn’t come naturally to humans. It was all an endeavor of the mind, though that was a good portion of why the dragon was attracted to it.
“I admire that,” she said, simple and complimentary. Curious, she pried further, wondering how much mischief she could coax out of the wizard. “What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?”
She noticed the change in scenery, their path taking them down a quieter residential street. Even in the evening drizzle, the houses looked stately, most shedding light on the street and promising warmth and comfort. Nari looked at each one as they passed, patiently waiting for Dalton to cut into his own driveway.
about Nari
Relative Unknown
Information Broker
Brawler 1
Water, Mutation, Flight, Illusion
played by Sluggy
Posts: 672
Threads: 12
Joined: Nov 2021