As she pried into his repertoire, Dalton lifted a hand to scrub at his chin, giving her a sideways look. Amused, as he could spot she was doing much the same she'd done in their first meeting. Eking out more from him through challenges and prompts.
“Oh, certainly more than that,” he declared, grinning. He dropped his hands and tucked them in his pockets, breaking the line of his suit, but not caring much about it. “But what showman would I be if I marched them out one after the other?”
As they spoke, he guided them across the road; the plinths flanking the road to his home marking where they had to turn in. It was not gated in, enjoying a more open and welcoming atmosphere from the outset, but it was set a distance from the road. With the peaceful neighbourhood, he'd never had any cause for concern.