Her soft wonder was gratifying, in that way many men enjoyed impressing the fairer sex. Dalton counted himself among them, and found himself charmed in turn when she echoed his own phrase in her compliment. Grinning, he closed his hand on the illusory timepiece, snuffing out the light. It disappeared as his fingers closed over it, intangible light fading as the trick concluded.
“Only when I have a bad influence encouraging me,” he teased, alluding to their first meeting again. By his smile, he didn't mind in the least.
As they passed by a laurel tree, Dalton reached out and broke off a pretty branch. The evergreen had been a green spot all winter, only hiding when the snows covered it. It hadn't bloomed yet, but the buds were starting to make themselves known.
He twirled it in his fingers as they crossed the paved driveway, shaking off droplets of rain. They were nearing the steps leading to the front door, the lights illuminating the area.