Once again, Nari realized she was challenging Dalton in not so many words. When it came to magic, one could never be sure what they were dealing with. With her being deliberately esoteric, was he willing to take the risk?
And once again, the wizard rose to meet her challenge without batting an eye, even offering a little proverb in retort. Nari hummed a laugh, charmed and wondering again how far they would goad each other. “You would know, no?” she asked, amused. She felt a little swept up in him, curious and buoyed up by his enthusiasm.
As he gestured her inside, she flicked her hand, casually letting the orb of water dissolve into a cloud of vapor. Stepping over the threshold, she took her first impressions of his well-appointed home. She didn’t spend a great deal of time imagining how someone might decorate their home, but this fit Dalton, as she knew him.