Her huff had him smiling again, but Dalton turned his attention to the lime, patiently waiting for her answer. He'd sorted out his lime slices when he heard her laugh, looking up with a curious expression before he turned to follow her gaze. Then he chuckled himself, realising what she found amusing. It was honestly something he barely thought about, these days. The little things he did to make life a little easier. He didn't see the harm, when he could do it anyway.
The shake of her head seemed to be for the drink, as she rose to take a closer look at the ice bucket. Dalton left her to it, although he did steer the other spectral hand to scoop up a handful of ice cubes to pour into the glasses. They clinked merrily as Lin waved her hand underneath the bucket, seeming reassuring herself that there was no mundane trickery behind it.
Dalton began pouring in the gin as he looked her way, grinning crookedly. He liked that she was so fascinated by his complicatedly simple trick. “I might be guilty of overdoing it, for the sake of convenience,” he admitted, chuckling a little to himself as he set the gin down and topped them up with the tonic. Then, the lime slices went in. A straightforward gin, although Dalton did sometimes muddle some berries to give it a bit of a different kick if he felt like it.
He picked up the drinks, offering one out to Lin.