Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » July Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » June Update


It's hot, it's time to hit the beaches!

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange
Lower Fens 

Theo Crowhurst Offline
Cursed Human
Theo could feel her reaction in the air, the sudden chill as the temperature dropped. That was the tricky thing with ghosts, it got so bloody uncomfortable to hang around them if something upset them, and there was a whole lot that could. Being dead, for one. Theo didn't comment, only rubbing his hands together to generate some warmth as he watched her process. He looked away as she cried, offering her some privacy.

He looked back when she spoke, asking him a string of questions. The usual why's and what's, but even Theo only thought he had an idea. “I haven't managed to confirm it, but your case matches the pattern of a string of murders in the years since you were murdered. Half-blood targets, murdered in a ritual sacrifice.” Theo spoke calmly as he presented what he'd come to suspect, but couldn't know for certain. Ritual killings weren't all that common, in reality, so the current slew of them all felt connected, even ones that possible weren't. “Those murders are linked to what we believe is some manner of death cult.”

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RE: O day and night, but this is wondrous strange - by Theo Crowhurst - 05-13-2024, 08:10 AM