“So you've met a tailless merman,” which, Max thought, didn't make it much of a merman, did it? He'd only met the... lobster centaur thing, of the watery types. “And there's vampires out there too, but I haven't seen one sparkle. Overheard someone complaining about ghouls in the graveyard. The classics, you know? Shapeshifters. Werewolves. But not all of them will try to fight you. S'like people, some pick fights and some don't.”
Far be it from Max to forget what he was, even if only a couple of people actually knew it. That was how he liked it, after all, and he said it with no special emphasis. He couldn't count the werewolf that'd blown the whole thing open for him as the worst he'd run into, but it had changed him the most.