Cinder Collection Average quality laser pointer
The woman was not heavy as she braced her arm on his shoulder, so Dalton barely noticed as she rested her head in the casual closeness often seen in those under the influence. He was tipsy enough that he barely thought twice about it, only making sure he didn't accidentally jostle her off his shoulder as he prepped. He grinned as she aloofly accepted his solution to the impending fashion disaster of two bracelets on his wrists.
It did have him wondering how the watch would work in tandem with the attached enchantment. He would need an automatic or mechanical watch, not quartz. The battery would not hold up to the magic, leaving him with a dead watch. Dalton always had a watch on his wrist, so it was simple to adapt that accessory to this magic. A shame, though. He liked wearing the different watches he had, a fashion accessory just like his clothing.
But perhaps... an idea sparked, as Lin queried about what, exactly, he was making, and Dalton glanced at her propped against him. He cocked his head, considering how to explain it. A weapon, most definitely, even Dalton couldn't deny that even if he would not count himself warlike, but he wasn't naive enough to think there wasn't a necessity to it. He'd been... sheltered, in New York. Sheltered in a way he couldn't be in Easthaven.
“Ah. A modification to my light charm, to put it simply,” he began, twisting his fingers and drawing a glowing circle in the air, thoughtless and habitual. “Weaponising it, in a way. It doesn't carry force with it, as it is, merely... visually impressive. I want to add a physical aspect to it, projectiles or–” he flicked his fingers, placing the intricate pattern of his amulet in the middle of the floating circle, “–a shield, to beat back anything dangerous.”
He twisted his fingers, the light threads forming the pattern disappearing as quickly as they'd come. Burying his hand in his bag again, he pulled out a laser pointer, turning it around in his hands as he felt that spark along his fingertips, evaluating it.