Reaching out with the hand holding her glass, she thought to carefully pass a finger through the ring to see what would happen, listening all the while. She grazed one edge just before it collapsed, and sighed, disappointed. Still, the topic of the conversation intrigued her more. “Does it seem very dangerous in Easthaven?” she wondered, understanding that many came here and saw nothing. And others ran into trouble right away. What drew him to the conclusion that he'd need protection or a weapon? “Or- Wherever you are from. Is it very dangerous there?”
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Early Winter
The atmosphere is festive at this time of year, but there's always the shadow of something a little eerie in the winter months.
Reaching out with the hand holding her glass, she thought to carefully pass a finger through the ring to see what would happen, listening all the while. She grazed one edge just before it collapsed, and sighed, disappointed. Still, the topic of the conversation intrigued her more. “Does it seem very dangerous in Easthaven?” she wondered, understanding that many came here and saw nothing. And others ran into trouble right away. What drew him to the conclusion that he'd need protection or a weapon? “Or- Wherever you are from. Is it very dangerous there?”
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