Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

Current Update » October Update
Hotspot » McCoy Orchards
Previous Update » September Update


Enjoy the turning leaves and the crisp weather before it gets too cold.

December Update | 2023

Third on the Match Offline

December Updates

It's our last update of the year! December's here and the holidays are closing in. There wont be a winter holiday event this year, but look out for something coming in the New Year!

We've got a few updates for December, make sure to read the changes relevant to your Paths! Therefore Sheol's second phase has triggered, so run along and read what happens next!

  • Possessed abilities have been updated. Quid Pro Quo now allows a little more playing with the dice. Monophysite has been added, allowing the player to pick between Perfect Sync or One Mind, both offer the same bonus, but carry different flavours.
  • The Parting Gift ability for Possessed now allows the player to switch Path to either Undying, Half-Blood, or Cursed.
  • The Thoughtform ability for the Spirits has been updated. It allows a spirit to pick a Keyword from the Fey or Elemental portfolio in addition to the Path Keyword they get at the Mane rank.
  • Oaths now work between the Possessed and their Passenger, and a Possessed breaking and Oath with their Passenger would feel the consequences.
  • Oaths have been slightly modified, now it is not simply speaking a promise that can trigger an oath, but also agreeing to an oath or promise.
  • Added an Age Restriction Plugin to be activated on the 1st.
  • Removed Strike, Cinder, and Keyword instances from Advancement.
  • There's always been hospitals in town, but now we've named one in Newton. Say hello to St. Erasmus.
  • An update to the player toolbox in the sidebar
  • The Master-Legendary Keywords are in the process of being updated. The main categories of Space, Time, and Reality will be broken into three keywords each. More to come.
  • Advancement Prompts for Apprentice and up.

Spreading the word
Help us get Three on a Match out there by voting at RPG Fix! Or spend a moment to write a review for us on RPG Initiative! We also welcome members dropping our ad on any other forums with an advertising section. Our ad can be found here.

Site Mini-Events

Train Station of the Dead
Check out the Train Station of the Dead City Mystery Event. Phase II has triggered.

Caught Red-Handed
Check out the Ritual Murders City Mystery! Read about the progress so far and what it's all about at the link!


Kingslane & McCoy Orchards
Begin a thread in a hotspot and submit a mod request for a special encounter.

City Mysteries

Our City Mysteries meters are in our footer, under the board statistics. No Fly Zone is close to triggering!

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