Three On A Match
⁂ Third on a match. Meaning: bad luck.

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Posted by: Third on the Match - 06-01-2022, 11:28 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

June Updates

June is here and summer is knocking on the door! We've still got some slow events running. A trio of Exchange agents are looking into a mysterious suicide and the ritualistic murders that began in March are still waiting to be investigated!

  • Double or Nothing removed
  • Shifters, Undying, Spirits, Half-bloods, and Possessed may now utilize their magic keywords up to half the number of dice in their Cinder pool, rounded up.
  • Added Cantrips to Half-Blood, Undying, and Spirits.
  • Removed the Thrall keyword.
  • Removed the Shadow Step Keyword. It is now under the umbrella of the Shadow Keyword.
  • Added the Null Keyword to the Cthonic portfolio.
  • Added Animate to Fey Portfolio.
  • Changed Astral Walk to Astral Manipulation.
  • On equal or more passes than an attacking roll (or target roll), the Null keyword cancels magic used.
  • On equal or more passes than an attacking roll, the Shielding keyword prevents Luck loss
  • Assistance updated. A character who assists can only assist that post, they cannot do more actions or rolls. To assist a ritual, characters need to roll Cinder.
  • Adjusted Familiar assistance. They can assist once per thread.

New additions
  • Advancement prompts for Novice to Dabbler and Dabbler to Apprentice finalised.

  • Advancement prompts for Apprentice and up.
  • New Time Untils.
  • Path Icons.

June Hotspots

Barton Art Gallery & Bruant Hall

Time Until

Our Time Until meters can be found in the Player Toolbox, under the toolbox icon in the sidebar.  Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat is looking close!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 05-01-2022, 02:12 PM - Forum: The Lighthouse - No Replies

Weather Forecast: Sunny with a chance of rain

The Lighthouse

Easthaven, MA - Wednesday May 1, 2022 - Four Pages

May 2022 Sightings

Spring is here! And with spring comes the calming of the seas off the East coast. As we know, Pebbleway Cove is famous for the strange things that wash up on its shores, but there's rumour that something more is going on up the coast! What strange tides has come to Pebbleway Cove?

We've yet to get anywhere near All Hallows Eve, but as usual Easthaven Cemetery does not let traditional holidays stop it from being utterly unsettling. The word is out of strange happenings in the twilight hours, figures wandering the paths and leaving poor folks cold and empty. Be careful if you're visiting relatives!

To the more adventurous readers of the LIGHTHOUSE! Head out to Pebbleway Cove or Easthaven Cemetery and report back!

A Beltane Bash
Garden labyrinth or dangerous ritual?

The 1st of May means Beltane has arrived! Among many Wiccans and New Age enthusiasts, it's considered an important celebration and although The LIGHTHOUSE knows them to be frivolous hacks, we cannot deny the magic in a night such as this! It is said one needs to build protective bonfires and offer food to the aos sí, or spend the rest of the year unprotected! Often celebrated with parties, Beltane is a sight to see!

Photo by Johnny Caspari

One such event is the upcoming spring festival, rumoured to have a macabre twist to it. We don't know about you, dear reader, but that hedge labyrinth grew awfully fast and in such a strange arrangement! It's something to look out for: is this a Beltane sacrifice waiting to happen?


Curious Circles Continues
Strange circles keep baffling investigators.

The murders we reported on in March have been brushed aside by the police as robberies and muggings, but we know those runes and circles means there's something fishy afoot! Stories of strange markings in innocuous spots in Lower Fens, Upper Fens, Old Town, and Newton are reaching our ears and we are cautiously curious!


Be careful out there, dear reader! Should you stumble upon these grisly scenes, make sure to gather all the information you can. The LIGHTHOUSE knows untold dangers lurk in the shadows, but these strange circles promise something sinister. Remember the S.I.S! Salt, Iron, Silver!

Ratty Vandalism
Street rats harrying honest businessmen

We've heard murmurings of some dangerous gang stirring things up in Easthaven, a group of thugs and ne'er-do-wells who seem obsessed with rats targeting innocent businessmen and workers in our fair city. The police are investigating, but so far there has been no information as to the identity of these rat-obsessed vandals. Rumour has it you can identify their passing by crude grafitti on the streets! Keep an eye out, readers, The LIGHTHOUSE definitely is!

Have a Tip?
Write-Ins Welcome!

The LIGHTHOUSE is always on the lookout for the supernatural and otherworldly. Have you seen anything around our fair city? Write in at our PO box so we can inform the world!

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Posted by: Third on the Match - 05-01-2022, 11:42 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

May Updates

It's May Day everyone! Another month with another update and we've got some slow events running. A trio of Exchange agents are looking into a mysterious suicide and the ritualistic murders that began in March are still waiting to be investigated!

A May garden party is also looming in the immediate future, so keep an eye out!

The penalty to Inhabit has been removed and their Defence Class lowered to 2. At Eidolon rank, a Spirit can now use Inhabit to permanently switch Paths if they inhabit a brain-dead or otherwise unoccupied human or half-blood body. Their Path progress will start at the Untrained rank in the new Path.

Hyrd to Deor levelling requirements modified slightly, experiencing the effects of aconite added. The effects of aconite has also been clarified.

The penalty to Strike during Unchained has been removed. Possessed can now select new Combination Keywords from the list on their Path page. See the levelling overview for when you can select Combination Keywords.

Enchanted Item Creation
The framing of item creation has been expanded, read all about it on the Enchanted Items Guidebook page.

Ritual Mechanics
For Arcanists, using keywords they do not have has been adjusted. As before it requires the use for their Circlebreaker Cinder pool, but now the Threshold is increased from 4 to 5. If a non-human or tainted human attempts to perform a ritual, they must use their Path Cinder Pool and the Threshold is increased from 4 to 5.

We've added more clarity around Easthaven's relative size, both in regards to area and its supernatural population. Check out the Setting Guidebook page.

New additions
Keyword Expansion
We've added elemental keywords to different portfolios: fire into empyrean, earth into cthonic, water into eldritch, and air into fey. The Undying have gained the Keyword 'anti-venom'.

Ritual Components
Components now have quality levels, ranging from Poor to Superb. Read more about how they work on the Enchanted Item Guidebook page and the Arcanist Path Guidebook page. Rolling Cinder, a partial failure results in Poor, complete success in Average, exceptional success in Good, and a Critial Hit (10 passes) gains Superb components.

All Paths, Luck Drain
After pushing past the limit in the Paths, be it Bloodrush, Feral, Unchained, Resonance, or needing to Ground, each use of a Magical Keyword in those states will subtract 1 Luck from the character using the Keyword.

New Skin
Many may have noticed we introduced a new skin a few weeks ago. This is a custom skin developed for Three on a Match with a dark and light variant, but as with everything newly created, there may be bugs or things missing. Don't hesitate to tag us if you spot something that doesn't look quite right.

  • Further advancement prompts from dabbler to the higher levels.
  • New Time Untils
  • Refinement of Double or Nothing mechanic
  • Path and Keyword Icons

May Hotspots

Pebbleway Cove & Easthaven Cemetery

Time Until

Our Time Until meters can be found in the Player Toolbox, under the toolbox icon in the sidebar.  Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat is looking close!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 04-01-2022, 12:24 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

April Updates

Happy April 1st, everyone! This update is no April Fool's joke, just short and sweet. March was a quiet month for all of us, but we have something fun upcoming for the Blood Born Time Until this month, so be on the lookout for that!


The weight of minor and major events has been adjusted from 5 and 2 to 2 and 1 to encourage a slower growth. All reputation earned before this update remains the same, so there are no retroactive changes, but this will be how things are graded in the future.

Guidebook Update
The Guidebook has received both an aesthetic and organizational update! We hope this makes it easier to navigate and take in the lore. As always, if you spot any errors or inconsistencies, don't hesitate to let us know in the #mod-request channel.

The concept of 'tokens' at character creation has been removed, but nothing has changed mechanically. At creation, players can still choose to take an additional rank in their Path or take a mundane skill for their character.

This change came about simply because we thought the wording needlessly complicated things. We tried to smooth out all the phrasing, but if you spot mentions of tokens anywhere, let us know!

Shifter Dice
Now that we've gained more experience building for Strike & Cinder Dice, we've slowly made balance changes. The shifters now earn one Cinder die per rank instead of skipping a few levels. It was determined that this change would have minimal effect on overall game balance while simplifying the leveling system.

We're always looking to refine and improve, so feedback is welcome!

New additions
Character Facts
In Discord, we've added an opt-in role that allows players to be tagged for character facts! Anyone can call this tag, so if you have a fun character development question, you're welcome to use the #character-facts channel to pose it to everyone with the tag and start discussing.

Experimental Light Theme
We have an experimental Light Theme now. Although it's in development, it's available to all players, so let us know what you think. You can access it through the theme changer in the footer if you're interested!

  • Further development of the Spirit Path
  • Further advancement prompts from dabbler to the higher levels.
  • New Time Untils
  • Refinement of Double or Nothing mechanic
  • Path and Keyword Icons

April Hotspots

Knead the Dough Bakery & Ashford Hotel

If you're feeling spicy, check out what's hanging out at the hot spots!

Time Until

Our Time Until meters can be found in the Player Toolbox, under the toolbox icon in the sidebar.

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Posted by: Third on the Match - 03-02-2022, 11:48 AM - Forum: The Lighthouse - No Replies

Weather Forecast: Scattered Showers
The Lighthouse
Easthaven, MA - Wednesday March 2, 2022 - Five Pages

March 2022 Sightings

Something curious is happening around two pillars of our community! The ever reliable and entertaining Easthaven Downs have been experiencing strange evening events, tack going missing, prize horses becoming lame right before a race, and the bookies have been behaving strangely. All concerned citizens (and gamblers!) are concerned about the state of affairs!

Similarly, after the chaotic February, the inhabitants of UMass Easthaven's Ivory Tower are finding their careful routines disrupted. Essays going missing, footsteps following them down hallways, and the bursar blowing off important meetings! Something is certainly afoot.

To the more adventurous readers of the LIGHTHOUSE! Head out to Easthaven Downs or UMass Easthaven and report back!

Curious Circles
Runes etched into the pavement, vandalism or more?

A trusted source has shared with us the sudden appearance of strange circles and unknown runes all over the city, along with a string of seemingly unconnected murders. The police have not been forthcoming, having rudely thrown our intrepid journalist out of the scene for contaminating the crime scene, infringing on our right to free speech! They're hiding something, but so far our investigations have brought us nowhere.

crime scene
Photo by Richard Bell

Be careful out there, dear reader! Should you stumble upon these grisly scenes, make sure to gather all the information you can. The LIGHTHOUSE knows untold dangers lurk in the shadows, but these strange circles promise something sinister. Remember the S.I.S! Salt, Iron, Silver!


Nian of your business
Puzzles: Fact or fiction?

The Lunar New Year went off with a blast, all of Balmoral in enthusiastic celebration, but there were rumours of strange sightings and creatures, and puzzle boxes found all over with mystical abilities! Worry not, dear reader, the LIGHTHOUSE has investigated and revealed these as the hoaxes they are. We found these boxes, old and dusty, knock-off antiques or a cookie tin from their nan, and found nothing remarkable about them!

Lunar New Year
Photo by John Xiao

It does appear that the evil spirits were held at bay and we can thank the observers of Lunar New Year for their fireworks and red streamers. Should anything more curious and potentially dangerous pop up, don't hesitate to get in touch, readers! The LIGHTHOUSE is on the job!

Have a Tip?
Write-Ins Welcome!

The LIGHTHOUSE is always on the lookout for the supernatural and otherworldly. Have you seen anything around our fair city? Write in at our PO box so we can inform the world!

The Lighthouse is Easthaven's local supernatural rag. Everything in here is in-character and, as such, can be deeply misinformed. You can decide if your character believes them or not! The only thing that is objectively true is the listed locations in the sidebar. Those change each month, and if you visit them, there's a good chance you'll meet something (extra) spooky!

Since it's in character, you can respond in character in this thread using the code below. You're able to change your avatar image in the avatar section. Just link to any image!

[comment]your comment here[/comment]
[username]your username here[/username]

your comment here

your username here

The Lighthouse also takes reader submissions! To submit one, please fill out the form below and submit it to Mod Request Thread. Then tag the staff in the Discord, so we don't miss it before the next Issue! Thank you!
Character Name:
Character Alias (if any):
Text: (This can be a review, an Ask Column question, a story, or a sighting tip.)
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 03-01-2022, 02:43 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

March Updates

Happy March, everyone! We have for you a shorter update for a shorter month, although we were no less busy. Below are all changes made throughout February, along with two new hot spots and some Time Until fun. We hope everyone is looking forward to the coming month because we have a few fun things up our sleeves!

On using Healing magic for Luck: On a Complete Success, the healer restores +1 Luck to themselves or another. On an Extraordinary Success, the healer restores +2 Luck to themselves or another. A character cannot restore Luck above the maximum for any character.

Order > Abidance
The keyword “Order” has been changed to “Abidance” to better convey the powerset it represents.

Partial Success > Partial Failure
The wording for "partial success" has been changed to "partial failure" to better convey the inherent risks of utilizing magic.

Path Keywords
The total number of keywords for each Path (except the Arcanist) has been updated to eight, spread throughout the ranks. Make sure to check the documentation for your Path, and if you find you are missing one, tag @admin in the mod-request channel to update your selection.

Shape Shifting
The keywords of Dire Beast, Fascimile, and Partial shifting have been redefined to allow for greater flexibility.

Quote:The size and shape of a shifter are considered to be on a spectrum the shifter controls, based on the size/shape keywords they have access to. Based on which type of shifter the character is, they start with different access to these keywords. See the Advancement tab on the Afflicted and Natural Shifter pages for more information.

Bloodrush Update
When a half-blood goes into bloodrush, their Cinder rolls no longer explode on a 5 and a 6 and they no longer lose 2d6 from their Strike pool. Like the other Paths, this has been dropped in the interest of balance and pushing the true flavor and creativity of Bloodrush, much like the other Paths (e.g. Feral, Deanimation, Resonance, etc). When a half-blood pushes themselves beyond their limit, they take on the best and the worst of their inhuman ancestor. Emphasis on the worst.

For all threads before March 1st, 2022, players may continue to use the old rules, but from here on out, updated Bloodrush applies.

Double Luck
Cinder rolls now no longer do double damage to Luck on an Extraordinary Success (5 or more). Instead, any character can achieve double damage to Luck on a Strike or Cinder roll that meets or exceeds 10 passes.

Leave of Absence
We have updated the Leave of Absence terms.

If a player gives no notice, we will deactivate accounts and clean up threads for them after one month.

If a player has left a Leave of Absence notice, then we will deactivate accounts and clean up threads for them after two months.

Group Event Threads
Should a player not post in an event thread for two or more weeks and others are waiting on them, then the waiting players may choose to skip them, although they are invited to rejoin the thread when they are ready. This does not apply to social non-event threads, but communication is key!

Current Theme Clean-Up
We've updated to a new theme, and now it's time to update the update. "Lighthouse Argentum" has been thoroughly vetted and is now live. It will become the default theme March 1st, 2022.

Among other changes, the dice modal has been reorganized and updated and the guest chat has been removed.

New additions
The Shifter Path has been given its own unique Keyword pool to reflect their more unique use of magic. Along with this, they have been given what is known as Combination Keywords.

Quote:At the Hyrd (Dabbler) and Mundian (Apprentice) ranks, a shifter can gain a combination keyword. These keywords can only be used in combination with a keyword from the path keywords. These have various mechanical effects, but they can also have purely flavour effects, based on how a player wants to interpret the combination keyword with its support keyword.

If you need to select an additional keyword, make sure to tag @admin in #mod-request so we can update that!

All changes below come into effect in March, and any use of the old rules in February will still count towards advancement. This applies to all future updates as well, even if we're editing the documentation as we go. We'll always note down each new feature or edit and publish at the beginning of the next month so everyone can track the changes.

  • Further development of the Spirit Path
  • Further advancement prompts from dabbler to the higher levels.
  • Continued refinement of the Guidebook for ease of use.
  • New Time Untils
  • Refinement of Double or Nothing mechanic
  • Path and Keyword Icons

March Hotspots

Easthaven Downs & UMass Easthaven

Time Until

Our Time Until meters can be found the Player Toolbox, under the toolbox icon in the sidebar. What is this about Sheol? And something's up with Blood Born!


Blood Born

Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat

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Posted by: Third on the Match - 02-05-2022, 10:51 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

Time Until... The Sewing Circle

Although small in number, the Easthaven cohort has recently established their very own Sewing Circle. With an experience Arcanist coming up from Boston to spearhead an organised group for enchantment and charm work for the Easthaven cohort, their small cohort has reinforced their position and supply lines.

Every Exchange Agent now receives:

Wayfinder Badge - Activated
A palm-sized coin with mysterious geometric circles and runes etched into the metal, bronze with silver detailing. Its look is reminiscent of an astrolabe, but it is in truth the intricate enchantments carved into it. One enchantment allows any Exchange Agent holding it to pinpoint the nearest agent to their location. It also has a protective enchantment hidden in its complicated design, which makes it an important habit for Agents to carry it at all times. The enchantments need occasional reinforcement by Exchange Arcanists, as sun can depreciate the magical effect.
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 02-01-2022, 01:38 PM - Forum: The Lighthouse - Replies (1)
Weather Forecast: Snowfall
The Lighthouse

Easthaven, MA - Tuesday February 1, 2022 - Eight Pages
Coastline Frights

February 2022 Sightings

We're happy to announce a new write-in from a fellow hunter of all things supernatural! Lorenzo details his experience up by Pebbelway Cove and the carcass of an old ship that reportedly has been washed ashore by recent storms! Not as pungent as the whale from some years ago, but oodles more exciting! Go get a glimpse of what Lorenzo witnessed, and more, if you dare!

In other news, there have been some strange reports from City Hall! There's something nefarious afoot, and it isn't shady politics this time! Strange sounds have been coming from the basement, and the heating is on the fritz. Some report rooms flash-frozen and the feeling of their blood running cold before they hustle away quick as they can.

Do you dare find out what prowls the hall of city hall?

To the more adventurous readers of the LIGHTHOUSE! Head out to Pebbleway Cove or City Hall and report back!

Year of the Tiger POUNCES

Lunar New Year starts with a bang!

We at the LIGHTHOUSE are not surprised there are whispers of something afoot on the heels of the Lunar New Year. A trusted source has approached us about rogue spirits trapped in boxes, discarded by someone ill-meaning, just waiting to unleash untold evil on revellers! We asked our source for more information, but they've gone dark! We can only assume a malevolent spirit ate them, leaving us bereft of a great agent of change in this world filled with dangers.

Red Letters
Photo by John Xiao

            Be cautious out there, dear readers, and STAY SAFE. Remember the S.I.S as you face down the unknown! "Silver. Iron. Sunlight."


Nightclub Fight Goes Awry

Barbarous monsters afoot!


Were YOU there to see the monster showdown down by Barbarous Nightclub? A loyal reader of the LIGHTHOUSE was and what they saw will SHOCK YOU! Do you want to know what our write-in hero witnessed? A waheela and what they could only describe as an undead exotic dancer in a brawl! Another trusted source added that this undead dancer was involved in Barbarous' illegal employment of the dead! Have you heard such shocking news? Taking jobs from the living!

If you're quick about it, you can still see the remnants of the fight! Burn marks! Solid brick and concrete with deep claw-marks! What a terrifying sight, but better be quick if you want to beat the authorities to this cover-up! The truth will out eventually!

Artists rendition of a waheela
Gif from Tenor

Undead Unboxing?

Video of a zombie goes viral on the net!

A video hit the net that shows two individuals baiting a zombie! A dangerous hobby to have, but one that galvanises the LIGHTHOUSE to further inform the public of the risk of the supernatural. We are VINDICATED. Now there is proof! And yet nay-sayers are scoffing at this evidence as doctored! A deep fake! Or a student film from Baxendale that got a failing grade!

Just search for it, and you will find the video, dear reader, and judge for yourself? Is this the real deal?

OF COURSE, says the LIGHTHOUSE, the foremost expert on the supernatural!

Gif from Tenor

Ghosts in the Wreck?! Phantom or Flotsam

A tomb is a tomb, whether stone or surf. Naught but Poseidon's wrath await those who disturb mausoleums of the deeps. Ye have been warned.

As you are no doubt aware, our bustling metropolis was once a quaint, sleepy fishing town. And though our docks have grown with the boom of industrialization and international trade, our rocky shoreline still has ample evidence of our humble beginnings squirrelled away in its many caves and sea stacks.

See, voyages on modern vessels are like a sunlit jaunt through the park compared to the dangers we faced once upon a time. Without conveniences like GPS, combustion engines, or even 'heads' (that's sailor talk for a bathroom, impress your friends with it!) Our forefathers had to use the wind, sun, and stars to move and navigate, a prospect that even at best was hardly an exact science. It wasn't uncommon for a ship to be blown several 'leagues' (three 'nautical' miles which are slightly larger than normal miles) off course. Couple this with Northeast's penchant for heavy fog and pouring rain and you're bound to get some ships thinking they're half a day from sailing into port but truly they're half a minute away from running up against some razor-sharp stone pillar ready to bisect the 'hull' like a machete would a coconut. (The hull is the part of the boat which performs the vital task of keeping the wet out).

The seabeds surrounding our shores are veritable ossuaries, littered with the skeletons of sailing vessels (and crews) of yore. Sometimes, a particularly violent storm or tidal shift will rip one of these cadavers right from Davy Jones' icy grip and fling it, almost mockingly, to shore, temptingly near, but just outside of his grasp.

And so I come to you, dear reader, with a tale of one of the pégase gracieux, an 18th-century French merchant vessel with an intriguing history, a tragic end, and a haunting legacy.

The pégase gracieux was a French merchant vessel that operated in the late 1700s. It mostly sailed up and down the coast, trading goods from (then Spanish) Florida, to the British Colonies, to Canada which in those days was just New France. When the revolutionary war erupted, good old France came to our aid and the pégase gracieux was one of the ships commissioned to smuggle troops and weapons to the revolutionaries.

One of the ways the pégase would do so was by disguising themselves as a British trading vessel to slip through blockades. And the success they encountered was significant, As Easthaven's militia would nary have survived without the supplies provided by the gracieux. Unfortunately, their luck ran out one fateful day and they were sunk by the Redcoats a few miles north of Easthaven. The British would receive their comeuppance when our ragtag militia kicked their lobster-coated 'fannies' (British for ass) right back to their foggy, rainy island, though that can be found in any old history book.

Our tale continues, several centuries later, when just one week ago, a particularly violent storm wrested the pégase from its grave and flung it onto the shoals just offshore of Pebbleway Cove, and it took no time at all for stories of strange happenings to start circulating. Ghosts, seaweed with the strength of iron grabbing and attempting to drag people into the sea, the sound of cannons, the smell of gunpowder...

One particularly manic-looking fellow even whispered of a seastar the size of a bear, which, when agitated, reared up and revealed a drowned human face where its mouth should have been.

Whether this face was a victim or part of the sea star, I could not say, as my source began gibbering into the whiskey I bribed him with.

Needless to say, I was intrigued.

And so I ventured forth, my dear readers, to Pebbleway Cove, my trusty camera primed, ready to finally bring to you, the answer to that long pondered mystery: "Does the supernatural truly exist?"

As I made the 45-minute drive out of town and north up the coast, my anticipation turned the uneventful drive into a heart-pounding race towards the truth, with every lazy curve of the deserted coastal highway bringing me one tantalizing step closer to the truth.

I arrived shortly after midnight. As everyone knows, hauntings, like frat parties, don't truly start until well after curfew. I parked my car in the small parking lot next to the trail that leads down to the shore. As I exited, the familiar scents and sounds of the ocean assaulted my senses, but there was... more to it. The crashing of the waves was accompanied by a strange reedy whistling sound, forlorn and eerie in the blackness. The clean scent of crashing seawater was colored with the heavy mustiness of rotting timber.

My car's headlights, the sole bit of illumination in that inky blackness, revealed a line of police tape. It  seemed that the police wisely wanted to curtail any teenage foolishness before something unfortunate happened on a dare, or perhaps Johnny Law truly believed ghosts and monsters to be law-abiding (and literate) enough to obey the yellow and black command of "POLICE LINE, DO NOT CROSS"

I deftly dodged the deterrent, descending deliberately to my disturbing destination.

As I clambered down the sea cliff, the night's inky blackness enveloped me, swallowing me with a completeness that must have been very similar to what those poor sailors experienced that night when their ship was dragged down to its grave. With each step, my heart rate redoubled and by the time the path evened out at the coast, it felt like my pounding chest was louder than the crashing wake.

It didn't take long for me to find it once on the shore. The inky black shape of the skeletal ship erupted from the rocky beach like the gnarled hands of Hades himself, crooked in rage at the duty his brother imparted upon him.

As I drew closer to the hulking remains, the scent of rot began to overpower that of the sea and the reedy whistling I had attributed to the many caves in these cliffs grew ever louder.

Allow me, dear reader, to take a moment here to assure you that mine is an ironclad set of nerves. It is rare that I feel anything other than unflappable temerity. My stoicism is legendary, and second only to my drive for the truth. Even so, however. When faced with this hulk of a shipwreck, I admit that my normally imperturbable countenance was very slightly perturbed.

Just a little bit, mind you.
I began to step closer, and the whistling grew in pitch and volume. With each step, its intensity grew. From a teakettle in another room to a strong wind outside a window, to an opera singer being murdered during her climactic aria. And then, when I was nary 10 feet away from the nearest spur of gnarled blackness that was the ship's skeleton, I saw something that would change how I viewed the world forever.

A face, sallow and pale appeared amidst the wreckage. And though it was overcast that night, it shone as if it were under a full moon. For just a moment, it stared at me and it seemed as if time froze. The howling of the wind died abruptly and every muscle in my body froze as its eyes, milky white and laden with cataracts, locked with my own.

I stood there, staring at the glowing face for a long second until it very deliberately shook its head. And though its cracked, blackened lips never moved, the words that gesture spoke could not have been clearer:

"No further. You have not the strength."

Entirely unbidden, this thought rang through my mind, and not a moment later, the calm of the instant had passed and the howling sound ripped through the air. And there, where the face had been, hung a single dingy oil lamp, lit and sputtering in the night air. That oil lamp was not there when I descended the cliffs. But as I climbed back up to my car, the light of it burned in the corners of my eyes. The feeling of its heat seared the nape of my neck.

I don't know what I saw that night, reader. Surely some kind of phantasm, though my psychologist assures me it was just a grimy old lamp. I believe that whatever it was, be it a ghost, swamp gas, or an oil lamp, it saved my life that night.

But that's all for now, dear readers. I've been your paranormal pursuer,

Lorenzo Espozione,
Stay dry and keep hunting!


Have a Tip?

Write-Ins Welcome!


The LIGHTHOUSE is always on the lookout for the supernatural and otherworldly. Have you seen anything around our fair city? Write in at our PO box so we can inform the world!

code by silkine

The Lighthouse is Easthaven's local supernatural rag. Everything in here is in-character and, as such, has the potential to be deeply misinformed. You can decide if your character believes them or not! The only thing that is objectively true is the listed locations in the sidebar. Those change each month, and if you visit them, there's a good chance you'll meet something (extra) spooky!

Since it's in character, you can respond in character in this thread using the code below. You're able to change your avatar image in the avatar section. Just link to any image!

[comment]your comment here[/comment]
[username]your username here[/username]

your comment here

your username here

The Lighthouse also takes reader submissions! To submit one, please fill out the form below and post it with your OOC account to this thread. The Lighthouse is a conspiracy rag, often getting details wrong, so play with this in your submissions! Then tag the staff in the Discord, so we don't miss it before the next Issue! Thank you!
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Alias (if any):[/b]
[b]Text:[/b] (This can be a review, an Ask Column question, a story, or a sighting tip.)
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 02-01-2022, 11:11 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

February Updates

January has zoomed past, and we've been busy bees. We've had more opportunities to see the system in action, further develop it, spot gaps, and enrich some Paths. Below is a complete list of changes implemented throughout January, but take the time to read over the relevant documentation for your Path if it has been updated.

All changes below come into force in February, and any use of the old rules in January will still count towards advancement. This applies to all future updates as well, even if we're editing the documentation as we go. We'll always note down each new feature or edit and publish at the beginning of the next month so everyone can track the changes.

Exchange Training Exclusivity
Exchange Training and its bonus can now only be applied to current Exchange Agents. This means that PCs no longer active in the Exchange lose the bonus if they have the keyword.

If you take Exchange Training with a token at creation when the character is not active Exchange, you do not receive the bonus. We have also added criteria to gaining Exchange Training in-game through various thread prompts.

While retirement is an option within the Exchange, most do not choose to leave the organization. It is difficult to go back to normal life at the end of it all. So they remain on board (and thus retain the bonus) often serving as archivists or researchers. Alternatively, an agent may go rogue and retain their bonus, but they will then be avidly hunted by the Tongue-Tyers and more often than not meet a swift end. The third option is allowing the Tongue-Tyers to take it all from you so that you may go on to live a normal life in ignorance, thus losing the bonus.

True Sunlight Damage
True Sunlight now reduces undead Strike dice to 4d6 when the Undying Path or undying-type Encounter monsters are exposed to it. This does not impact their Luck when they enter combat.

Strike and Luck
Penalties to Strike dice do not impact Luck; only bonuses to Strike impact the Luck pool. On entering combat or a situation where Luck is necessary and does not have any bonuses, the Luck pool is set at the standard Strike dice number for the PC or Encounter NPC despite any possible penalties to Strike when entering combat.

Possess Moved
The Possess ability for Spirits has been moved up to the Phantasm rank.

Unchained Possessed
The Unchained ability for the Possessed Path has been elaborated. When a Possessed human experiences being Unchained, the Passenger has assumed direct control of the Vessel's physical body, shunting the Vessel to the back.

Shifter Clarification
The Shifter Path keywords Dire Beast and Facsimile has been clarified. Dire Beast is the unnaturally or monstrously large form, while Facsimile is the normal-sized form, equivalent to the average size of whatever animal the Shifter transforms into. Animal Form and hybrid are the descriptions of which shapes they turn into.

Levitation has been changed to the broader Telekinesis in the Paths.

Mundane Keywords
We have added a clarification on the mundane keywords and their use. Aside from Iron Will, a character does not need a mundane keyword (Brawler, Ballistic, or Melee Weapon) to use a mundane skill. The mundane keyword describes a certain level of prowess and allows for a bonus to Strike if the mundane keyword is applicable.

Shifter Flexibility
Shifters can now use their Strike pool for certain keywords. If the keyword can be used in a physical way, the Strike pool can be used to roll for it. If the keyword takes on a mental or magical flavour, the Cinder pool is used.

Census List
The census list has been cleaned up. It now provides counts for all main character groups with some additional information.

Cursed Abilities
Cursed abilities have been updated with Echo, Third Eye, Trickster, Reflection, Twist, and Maelstrom. For more details on all of these, read the abilities list on the Cursed documentation.

Mature Rating
Our NSFW policy has been updated. Posts with mature content can be marked with Mature or [M] using the [note] code at the top of the post, if the Mature rating only applies to a few posts. Threads with mature content can also be marked with a mature tag with a checkbox in the first post.

Double Damage Change
The ability to deal double damage with a critical hit (an exceptional success on a Cinder roll) has been removed from instant magic, such as Blood Magic and an Arcanists fast casting ability. Rituals are still capable of dealing double damage on an exceptional success.

Enchantment Clarification
We've added a more explicit clarification around enchantments. All objects enchanted through rituals must be submitted to the Mod Request thread and then reviewed before describing it in detail in the creation thread. A player would provide the object's purpose, the desired effect based on the keyword(s) used in the creation, and any additional information based on a template we provide.

Forum Changes
The communications and bulletin boards have been renamed to "Call Me" and "Internet Says..." while the Development forum, Archives, and the new Shipper and Plotter forum has been moved to the new category of Character Development.

New additions
Short Stories
We have added a Short Story forum, where players can post canon short stories for their characters, personal stories, private development, or fun vignettes. Any thread in this forum does not count towards Reputation gain or opportunities for advancement up the Paths. Still, you can develop new powers for your keywords if a normal collaborative RP thread will not work for you.

Mini-Profile Strike & Cinder
We have added a section in the mini-profile with Strike, Cinder, and Luck fields players can fill in themselves. The DC has also been added, but administrators add this at creation or Path change.

Arcanist Ritual Failure
More details have been added and defined in the section on ritual failure. Rolling a partial success on performing a ritual results in backlash, and the ritual fails. Ritual backlash reduces the caster's Luck by 2. An arcanist may make an additional spellcraft roll to contain the ritual and reduce their Luck by only 1. Rolling less than a partial success on a Cinder roll is considered a critical ritual failure and triggers major backlash. Read more on the Arcanist documentation page.

Spellbook and Fast Casting
Spellbook is the ability of Arcanists that allow them to scribe spells into their spellbook after creating and casting them as a ritual first. Unlike the spontaneous casters, these spells are very specific, with the same effects every time, but this is how arcanists can quickly cast their magic.

Resonance Backlash
Resonance is a new ability added to the Arcanists that functions much like a Half-Blood Bloodrush. The more prepared spells an arcanist performs in one thread, the more they run the risk of infusing themselves with magic. An arcanist can perform prepared spells up to half their Cinder dice, rounded down in one thread. After this point, the magical Resonance causes them to suffer severe side effects that reflect the keywords they utilised for each spell.

Path Advancement
The first set of advancement prompts, and requirements from Untrained to Dabbler has been published. They are found on the Advancement page.

New Skin
A new and more modern skin is in the works, and we're opening access to it for player testing. We welcome any general feedback but keep in mind that it is still in development in both look and features. This skin is only on light mode right now and is not functional on mobile yet.

  • Further development of Shifter Path keywords
  • Further advancement prompts from dabbler to the higher levels.
  • Changing the organisation of the Guidebook for ease of use.

February Hotspots

Easthaven City Hall and Pebbleway Cove

Time Until

Our Time Until meters can be found in the header beneath the hourglass. The mystery persists as January did not manage to tip the scales! Maybe February will be our lucky month!

Just A Humble Brownstone

Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat

That's it for the February update! Keep playing and having fun, and don't forget to dive into the Chinese New Year Event running through February! Any threads started in February can continue the event beyond the deadline, but if you want to jump into one, get to it before the 28th!
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Posted by: Third on the Match - 01-01-2022, 12:36 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

January Updates

Happy New Year, everyone! We have a few small updates this month, adjustments to lore, and a few templates that can help organize information. Likewise, the move from soft opening to grand opening just sped right past! Incredibly, we're nearing one whole year of existing and we have a few characters who've been with us since the beginning, riding along while we were developing the magic and dice system. Thank you so much for that! The documentation is slowly but surely reaching a completed state, so as we go forward, take a second to review the documentation for each Path and make sure everything is updated.

And welcome to all our newcomers, we're so thrilled to have you join our game and we hope we can have a lot of fun together long into the future. On to the updates!

Luck and Keywords
The Luck Stat has been updated to include applicable mundane and magic keywords. In terms of the mundane combat stats, if your character is holding the appropriate weapon when the encounter starts, then the Strike dice are added to their Luck. In the cases of unarmed combat and Exchange training, these are always active, unless the character is somehow restrained.

In terms of magic keywords, having the Fortune keyword gives a boost of 1 to Luck.

Lovecraft Locations
Although we have creatures from the Lovecraft Mythos, we, unfortunately, do not include the locations as this may conflict a little too heavily with existing lore.

Shifter Affliction
Catching the shifter curse is considered very difficult and more often than not, downright deadly. The infection is also asymptomatic. If a character has been attacked by a shifter, and you would like to see if they've caught the infection, submit a request in the mod request forum. You will know their fate on the next full moon!

Silver for Shifters
The effect of silver on a shifter's Luck in combat has been reduced from 3 to 2.

Sky Iron and Half-Bloods
As noted, sky iron has a proximity effect on half-bloods that is pure flavor. We have added a mechanical effect: half-bloods lose 1d6 from their Cinder pool as long as they are physically touching the material.

Arcanist Charms
The Arcanist path is granted one charm per level now. If someone moves away from the Arcanist path, they lose access to these charms, but they retain the keywords they learned at the Circlebreaker rank.

New Additions

Spirits and Magic Items
As beings of pure magic, spirits often find it challenging to interact with the mundane world. However, magic items are a different story. Spirits are able to hold these things without difficulty, although it's theorized that they are actually holding the item more by the magic inherent than its physical container.

Undying: Hibernation
With preparation and will, an undying can force themselves into hibernation. This is a state in which they are almost inert, generally unconscious to the world and vulnerable if they do not take steps to protect themselves. A sudden change around them, like their tomb being broken into, can awaken them, but they will be starving and desperate to feed and regain strength.

Many undying through the centuries have hibernated and been protected by followers, leading to interesting myths and scary stories around campfires, as well as entire cults dedicated to them. These cults generally experienced quite a nasty surprise when their object of worship awakened.

The Sewing Circle and the Tongue-Tyers
Head on over to the Exchange document and explore some of the expanded lore on the Exchange in both Europe and the Americas.

The d20 icon in the upper right-hand corner of the header contains a pop-up modal of quick reference information involving Strike & Cinder, combat, and Luck, among other things. We're always looking to improve on making things easy and accessible, so if you have any suggestions on what we can add or clarify, don't hesitate to let us know!

Reputation Template
We've added a reputation template that you can put into your character's development thread. With this, you can track and grade your threads as minor or major events and then submit them as a report in order to change your Reputation. It is not a required feature, but there are some fun goodies if you do track things!

Link to Template

Inventory Templates
There is a new section in your profile for magic items and there's a handy HTML template you can use in the templates forum for it if you like!

Link to Template

- Leveling Requirements (early this month, don't worry!)
- Thread Summaries - still in development!
- An event for Chinese New Year in February!

January Hotspots

Aston Public Library, Barbarous night club

Head out to one of these locations and see if you can find something strange by requesting an encounter!

Time Until

Our Time Until meters can be found in the header beneath the hour glass. We're really excited to see them go up and although we won't tell you what they're for (it's about the MYSTERY!), here are a few that are looking PRETTY RIPE.

Just A Humble Brownstone

Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat

And that's it! If there are any questions or suggestions, toss them up in the #maintenance or #game-dev channel on Discord and tag @admin. A really huge thanks to everyone who helped us test out our dice system and offered feedback, we love to hear it!
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