Owning Locations

From Guidebook

With players making Easthaven a living city, there are opportunities for characters to own and operate businesses. Only locations accessible by everyone will be considered for being added to the map and given a description.

While characters can frequent many locations, from their homes, gyms, and work, not all of these will find a spot on the map. Some locations, like gyms, we have some existing locations of already and will not duplicate. Every single home and work location will not be added, this is up to the players to remember.

Owning a Business

Players can own and operate many of the existing businesses on the map if they are unclaimed and can potentially place their own. After two months on-site and four threads in a business location, a player can have a character purchase it by submitting a request to the staff. Alternatively, if you want an established character, they can "own" it in play, but it will not become an official location before the requirements are fulfilled.

If a claimed location is a pre-existing location, staff will add a note to the location of who the owner is, and the player can advertise to hire employees. If it's a brand new location, the player must submit a write-up of the location to the moderation request thread, ensuring it matches the neighbourhood it is established in.

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