Possessed Advancement

From Guidebook

These are the Advancement prompts and rank details for the Possessed. Threads used to fulfil thread prompts can only be used for one prompt, they cannot apply to other prompts.

Rank Descriptions[edit | edit source]

Ranks Abilities Strike Cinder
  • +2 Magic Keywords
  • Cantrip
⚑4d6 πŸ”₯5d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • +1 Combination Keyword
  • Third Eye
- πŸ”₯6d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • Quid Pro Quo
- πŸ”₯7d6
  • +2 Magic Keyword
  • +1 Combination Keyword
- πŸ”₯8d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • Perfect Sync
- πŸ”₯9d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • Ascension
  • A Parting Gift
- πŸ”₯10d6
Dissonant (Untrained)
There is something inside you and there are thoughts that aren't your own.
Host (Dabbler)
You have a better sense of your new world and know what you're sharing it with. It's not comfortable, but you're learning to live with it.
Imposter (Novice)
You've come to some kind of agreement with this new mind inside your head. You seem to have the same goal. At least, that's what you think.
Invoker (Apprentice)
Do these thoughts sound like your own sometimes? It's not so alien anymore--the human brain is so adaptable, isn't it?
Steward (Master)
You are comfortable with the Other inside your own mind. You move as one, and hold the same things sacrosanct.
Covenant (Legendary)
Were you ever a separate entity? You and your Passenger have melded so completely that the flow of thoughts flickers between.
Mundane β‡’ Untrained


Untrained β‡’ Dabbler


Dabbler β‡’ Novice


Novice β‡’ Apprentice


Apprentice β‡’ Master


Master β‡’ Legendary


Fundamental thread prompts
  • Become possessed.
  • Communicate with the Passenger
  • Communicate with the Passenger
  • Willingly give control to the Passenger
  • Roll Impulse
  • Utilize a Combination Keyword
  • Your Passenger attempts to pretend to be you
  • Coming soon
  • Coming soon
Overextend, Weakness, Backfire thread prompts
  • Experience going Unchained
  • Experience the effects of salt
  • Experience the effects of pushing past your limit (going Unchained) and use a Magic Keyword to trigger Luck drain
  • Push your magic use to its very limit while Unchained
  • Have your Passenger contradict an action
  • Experience a magical backfire (with a Partial Failure or Failure)
  • Coming soon
  • Coming soon

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