Shifter Advancement

From Guidebook

These are the Advancement prompts for the Shifters. Threads used to fulfil thread prompts can only be used for one prompt, they cannot apply to other prompts.

Rank Details[edit | edit source]

Born Shifters Afflicted Shifters
Rank Abilities Strike Cinder Rank Abilities Strike Cinder
  • Aspect of the Beast
  • Path Keywords: Fascimile, Animal Form, Hybrid
  • Universal Keywords: Heightened Strength, Heightened Speed, Preternatural Senses
  • +2 Path Keywords
⚑6d6 πŸ”₯5d6 Reden *Aspect of the Beast
  • Path Keywords: Hybrid, Dire Beast
  • Universal Keywords: Heightened Strength, Heightened Speed, Preternatural Senses
  • +2 Path Keywords
⚑7d6 πŸ”₯4d6
  • +1 Path Keyword
  • +1 Combination Keyword
  • Concordance
- πŸ”₯6d6 Hyrd
  • +1 Path Keyword
  • +1 Combination Keyword
  • Concordance
- πŸ”₯5d6
  • +1 Path Keyword
- πŸ”₯7d6 Deor
  • +1 Path Keywords
- πŸ”₯6d6
  • Inhuman Speed (1d6 to Strike)
  • +1 Path Keyword
  • +1 Combination Keyword
  • Aspect of the Beast
⚑7d6 πŸ”₯8d6 Mundian
  • Universal Keywords: Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Speed (+2d6 to Strike)
  • Animal Form
  • Aspect of the Beast
  • +1 Path Keyword
  • +1 Combination Keyword
  • Access unlocked to keyword Facsimile
⚑9d6 πŸ”₯7d6
  • +2 Path Keywords
- πŸ”₯9d6 Bewarian
  • +2 Path Keywords
- πŸ”₯8d6
Ferhweard +1 Path Keyword - πŸ”₯10d6 Ferhweard
  • +1 Path Keyword
- πŸ”₯9d6

Reden (Untrained)
A wildness has taken over your body or you have always had it in you. Potential simmers under your skin and bursts out of you in fits, called to the full moon. The choice is to push yourself further for control or languish in this wild abandon.
Hyrd (Dabbler)
You have started to become a shepherd of your instincts, settling into the balance of wildness and control. There is far more to learn, but you have started on the path. This is scratching the surface of your potential.
Deor (Novice)
There is no hesitation in you as you meet the wilder world around you, perhaps there is still a feeling of strangeness, but you are at peace. A wilderness of potential lays ahead and it is a matter of boldly going further.
Mundian (Apprentice)
In centuries past, you would be a warrior born, but here you are finally grasping your full faculties in a modern world of secrecy. The animal has become you and you have become the animal, there is nothing separating your senses.
Bewarian (Master)
A survivor born to preserve the way of beasts in a concrete jungle, you have become a warden of knowledge. At your fingertips power lingers, at near peak potential.
Ferhweard (Legendary)
There are few guardians in the world, but you have joined their number. Few can match you and fewer still would risk it, but most look to you as an example and a protector. We choose the responsibilities we carry, but shouldering those burdens comes naturally to you.

Rank Advancement[edit | edit source]

Mundane β‡’ Untrained


Untrained β‡’ Dabbler


Dabbler β‡’ Novice


Novice β‡’ Apprentice


Apprentice β‡’ Master


Master β‡’ Legendary


Fundamental thread prompts
  • Afflicted Shifters: Get grievously wounded by a shifter.
  • Shift
  • Experience an unwilling shift
  • Experience the effects of aconite, either ingested or via touch.
  • Resist a shift
  • Utilize preternatural Strength or Speed
  • Use two different combination keywords in a single thread.
  • Succeed in an amazing physical feat, through using the Universal Keywords.
  • Establish Concordance between the Shifter and a good friend.
  • Coming soon
Overextend, Weakness, Backfire thread prompts
  • Experience going feral
  • Experience the effects of silver
  • Experience the effects of the new moon
  • Utilize the Combination Keywords and go Feral
  • Inadvertently break something with strength or speed
  • Go Feral in human form.
  • Go Feral from shifting back and forth, exceeding the maximum and rolling Attunement.
  • Go through an Encounter under the effects of Aconite.
  • Coming soon

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