Cursed Advancement

From Guidebook

These are the Advancement prompts and rank details for the Cursed. Threads used to fulfil thread prompts can only be used for one prompt, they cannot apply to other prompts.

Rank Descriptions[edit | edit source]

Rank Abilities Strike Cinder
  • +2 Magic Keywords
  • Cantrip
⚑5d6 πŸ”₯5d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • Echo
  • Third Eye
- πŸ”₯6d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • Trickster
- πŸ”₯7d6
Misery - πŸ”₯8d6
  • +1 Magic Keyword
  • Twist
- πŸ”₯9d6
  • +1 Magic Keywords
  • Maelstrom
  • M.A.D.
- πŸ”₯11d6
Mischance (Untrained)
Recently cursed or still in the throes of suffering under its unpredictability, you are only just realising something has gone very wrong.
Woe (Dabbler)
You know you are cursed, whatever you may call it. You're beginning to see the patterns in your bad luck, possibly wallowing in woe, possibly trying to see what kind of life is beyond the curse.
Dolor (Novice)
The curse is beginning to feel like something natural, as much as it can. You know how to expect its unpredictability even if it perhaps isn't comfortable yet. There is yet more the curse has to show you.
Misery (Apprentice)
You have carried the curse for such a long time that it is beginning to feel like an extension of yourself, even with its unpredictability. You can see how its dangers can work in your favour, even if the risk still remains.
Scourge (Master)
Coming soon.
Calamity (Legendary)
Coming soon.

Rank Advancement[edit | edit source]

Mundane β‡’ Untrained


Untrained β‡’ Dabbler


Dabbler β‡’ Novice


Novice β‡’ Apprentice


Apprentice β‡’ Master


Master β‡’ Legendary


Fundamental thread prompts
  • Become cursed.
  • Roll on your Sorrows
  • Roll on your Sorrows
  • Use your Third Eye ability
  • Use your Echo ability
  • Use your Trickster ability
  • Use your False Hope ability
  • Discover something new about your curse
  • Use a triggered Sorrow against an Encounter in a thread.
  • Coming soon
Overextend, Weakness, Backfire thread prompts
  • Experience more than one Sorrow at once in a thread.
  • Experience the effects of sky iron
  • Experience the effects of a negative Sorrow
  • Two threads with Cursed magic going haywire in different ways
  • Experience at least four simultaneous Sorrows in a single thread
  • Break something as your Sorrows go haywire
  • Sustain a severe injury, which must either be healed or endured
  • Coming soon

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