The Sewing Circle

From Guidebook

When hedge witches, wizards, ritualists, and occultists find each other over the internet or through community centres, sharing knowledge and resources, they often group together and become something of a magical force in the community. These are often called Circles in the shorthand, derived from the Exchange's original Sewing Circles when it began spreading. Many Circles, independent or linked to some larger organisation, pop up in bigger cities, offering spaces of learning to those who want to explore the possibilities of magic. Some remain perfectly innocent, housewives researching the best cleaning charms or magical scientists pushing for some breakthrough they can name their magnum opus. A small number have been known to grow out of control, becoming a cabal or a cult, dedicated to some common cause they've been manipulated into or set for themselves.

This, and the inherent risk of ritual magic, means the Exchange keep a close eye on the independent Circles that pop up. Rather than disbanding or destroying these groups where they find them, the Exchange offers positions in their adjunct organization known as the Sewing Circle. If some Circles wish to remain independent, the Exchange will still keep a close eye on them, although often naturally those without ulterior motives will eventually break off and join a Sewing Circle for the benefits it offers. In return for attaching themselves to an Exchange cohort, these ritualists offer pro bono enchantments to the agents and get plentiful resources and support for their efforts.

Easthaven's Circle

The Easthaven Sewing Circle is slowly building their numbers, with an expert in rituals, Exchange agent Dorion, coming up from Boston in '23. Despite their small number, they are growing fast and their collective expertise is unmatched in the city. They currently occupy the topmost floor in the Exchange's building in Newton.

Active Characters in the Circle
Emily Reyes, Dalton Cessair, and Markus Eldridge.

Historical Context

The name of 'Sewing Circle' comes from a group in old Erasmus Cross. Part ritualist resource, part social club, the Sewing Circle was a group of wealthy socialites who openly declared themselves as part of the Exchange over the course of it's early history, reaching its peak in the 19th century. They were classified as non-combatants, and thus not agents, but still served an important role in the Exchange. They were uniquely independent among those who meddled in magic, not required to follow the strict rules the employees of the Exchange were under in the heavily divided Erasmus Cross. They ran households of their own in the city, gathering weekly to exchange gossip, news, and tips on magic use. It's not much different these days.

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