
From Guidebook

The cursed are a great curiosity of the supernatural world. Fully human, but they are afflicted with magic. Like the half-bloods, they are able to utilise it at will, but only at great cost to themselves. Misfortune and chaos are a constant companion to these poor individuals, and the great injustice is that it's probably not even their fault.

The Cursed Path[edit | edit source]

Perhaps they found themselves on the wrong side of a ritual, or garnered the attention of some otherworldly entity. Perhaps they read the wrong sort of book or were splashed by some strange substance in a madman's lab. Misfortune could befall anyone at any time.

If it doesn't end in death and insanity does not take this poor soul, the cursed find themselves beset with strangeness, physical ailments, and almost preternatural bad luck. They're at the mercy of some power beyond their understanding, even if they may know the source of their curse.

Not all are helpless to the fickle reality of a curse. Some are able to make it work, however, teasing a rhythm out of the chaos, dancing to a tune only they can hear.

Chaotic Magic[edit | edit source]

Hardy as humans are, they do not have the physical form necessary to control innate magic. As a result, they possess a chaotic form of blood magic. Although they can pull their magic from the aether just like the half-bloods, the magic itself is derived from their curse. Each time they use their magic, strange or unfortunate things happen to them or around them.

  • Each use of magic by a Cursed triggers a Sorrow.

Codes of Conduct[edit | edit source]

Although the Cursed are fully human, they are curiously subject to a few of the Codes of Conduct, namely Oaths, Thrice Asked, and Favors.

Central Features[edit | edit source]

Cursed Abilities
The abilities a Cursed character has and can gain.
The Seven Sorrows
The disastrous or odd impact the curse has on a character every time they use magic.

Creating a Cursed Human[edit | edit source]

Although anyone can suffer a curse, this magic roots deeply in humans. Thus, only humans can follow the cursed path. Your curse can take on any flavor, from an ancestral bloodline curse to tumbling into a vat of mysterious liquid.

When creating your character, refer to the Creation Guide for a step by step explanation of the whole process. Below is a quick reference guide to the first two ranks of the Cursed Path.

Quick Reference Creation[edit | edit source]

Starting at Mischance (Untrained)[edit | edit source]

  • You have two (2) keyword slots, which you may fill with a keyword from the Magic Keywords list, ignoring portfolios. This should define your particular curse.
  • You may create one (1) Cantrip based on one or more of your keywords.
  • Create your Sorrows table.
  • Starting at the lowest rank also gives you one (1) Mundane Keyword

Strike 5d6 Cinder 5d6

Starting at Woe (Dabbler)[edit | edit source]

  • You have three (3) keyword slots, which you may fill with a keyword from the Magic Keywords list, ignoring portfolios. This should define your particular curse.
  • You may create one (1) Cantrip based on one or more of your keywords.
  • Create your Sorrows table.
  • You have the Echo ability.
  • You have the Third Eye ability.

Strike 5d6 Cinder 6d6

Additional Notes[edit | edit source]

Starting characters normally are only able to start at one of the two first ranks. To read more about the higher ranks, refer to the Cursed Advancement for an overview.

Character Questions[edit | edit source]

Here are a few further questions you're welcome to answer as you create your character:

  • How did this happen?
  • When did this happen and how long has it been like this?
  • How have you been coping and has anyone been able to help you? Have you sought help?

Keywords[edit | edit source]

The Cursed can select any ['Magic Keywords]] at creation, with no limitations on which portfolio they come from.

Guidebook Navigation[edit source]

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