
From Guidebook

The Possessed are those unfortunate humans who've become infested with another entity. There is something within them that is alien to them. It haunts their mind and their body, and it displaces their soul. As luck would have it, only humans can become possessed. Something in the magic of the undead, half-blood, and shifters repels otherworldly entities and prevents them from taking root. Lucky them.

Note: When a human becomes possessed, they are frozen on their primary advancement path. Instead, they move over to the possessed advancement path until they have their new denizen exorcised

The Possessed Path[edit | edit source]

The possessor (hereafter known as the 'Passenger') in the Possessed (hereafter the 'Vessel') can be a variety of otherworldly or extra-dimensional creatures, from the spirits of the dead to creatures like angels, demons, and furies. Some deceive their Vessel, pretending to be something they aren't.

While the experience of a Passenger in a Vessel can differ, it is universally true that should a Vessel have a Passenger dominate them and take over many times, it has a myriad of physical consequences. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to, insomnia, restlessness, and lethargy. The human body is not designed for what the Passenger is doing to it, but if a Vessel maintains their physical fitness this can help mitigate the worst of these effects.

Hand in hand with the physical toll is the mental weight of having an otherworldly entity inhabiting your mind. If a Vessel is not careful, extended periods out of control of their own minds can lead to mental difficulties, such as loss of concentration, mood swings, and loss of memory. Like the body, the mind must be maintained as well as given reprieve from their constant Passenger.

Codes of Conduct[edit | edit source]

The possessed are fully human and the Vessel is not bound by the Codes of Conduct, other than Oaths between themselves and their Passenger. The Passenger is fully bound by the Codes of Coduct if direct communication is established. Should the Passenger be uninvited from a home after sneaking in through taking control of the Vessel, both will be ejected beyond the threshold.

Central Features[edit | edit source]

Possessed Abilities
The abilities shared between a Vessel and their Passenger.
Possessed Combination Keywords
The unique keywords reserved only for Possessed at certain ranks.
Impulse and Becoming Unchained
The effect of the Passenger taking over the body and mind of the Vessel.

Creating a Human Possessed[edit | edit source]

Only humans can become possessed. Something in the magic of the undead, half-blood, and shifters repels otherworldly entities and prevents them from taking root. When a human becomes possessed, they are frozen on their primary advancement path. Instead, they move over to the possessed advancement path until they have their new denizen exorcised.

The possessor can be a variety of otherworldly or extradimensional creatures, from the spirits of the dead to creatures like angels, demons, and furies. This list is non-exhaustive, but your selection is subject to admin approval, so run it by us if you're not sure. Entities such as deities, embodiments of things such as death and life, or especially powerful near-deific beings cannot personally possess a character.

When creating your character, refer to the Creation Guide for a step by step explanation of the whole process. Below is a quick reference guide to the first two ranks of the Possessed Path.

Quick Creation[edit | edit source]

Starting at Dissonant (Untrained) Starting at Host (Dabbler)
  • You have two (2) keyword slots, which you may fill with a keyword from the Magic Keywords list, ignoring portfolios. This should be defined by your passenger.
  • You may create one (1) Cantrip based on one or more of your keywords.
  • You must describe the physical toll possession has on your body.
  • Because you're starting at Dissonant, you can also add one (1) Mundane Keyword.
  • You have three (3) keyword slots, which you may fill with a keyword from the Magic Keywords list, ignoring portfolios. This should be defined by your passenger.
  • You can select one (1) Combination Keyword.
  • You may create one (1) Cantrip based on one or more of your keywords.
  • You must also describe the physical toll possession has on your body.
  • You have the Third Eye ability.
⚑Strike 4d6 πŸ”₯Cinder 5d6 ⚑Strike 4d6 πŸ”₯Cinder 6d6

Additional Notes[edit | edit source]

Starting characters normally are only able to start at one of the two first ranks. To read more about the higher ranks, refer to Possessed Advancement for an overview.

Character Questions[edit | edit source]

  • How did this happen?
  • When did this happen and how long have you been like this?
  • Do you know who or what your Passenger is?
  • How have you been coping and has anyone been able to help you? Have you sought help?
  • What does your Passenger do when it has control?

Guidebook Navigation[edit source]

General Information Forum Guidelines ⁂ Discord Guidelines ⁂ At-a-Glance ⁂ FAQ ⁂ Style Guide ⁂ Custom Codes
Character Creation Creation Guide ⁂ Paths ⁂ Mundanes ⁂ Arcanists ⁂ Cursed ⁂ Possessed ⁂ Half-Bloods ⁂ Shifters ⁂ Undying ⁂ Spirits ⁂ Face Claims ⁂ Character Census
Magic Information Magic Summary ⁂ Archetypes ⁂ Wards and Protective Materials ⁂ Codes of Conduct ⁂ Rituals ⁂ Enchantments ⁂ Keywords
Setting Information General Setting ⁂ Easthaven ⁂ City Map ⁂ Owning Locations ⁂ The Exchange ⁂ Existing Groups ⁂ Events Timeline ⁂ Beyond Easthaven
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