Afflicted Shifters

From Guidebook

Afflicted Shifters are those who have been scratched, bitten, or otherwise infected. Their transformations are a little more volatile, often connected to heightened emotions. Real danger may trigger them into transforming against their will, but they retain some sentience during these episodes. If threatened, these monsters are said to overcome battalions of armed soldiers and powerful magic users alike in their savagery.

For an afflicted shifter, the transformation itself is quick but excruciatingly painful. They can only transform into a human-animal hybrid when they are still finding their feet, and that lasts for a while. Still, they are unquestionably more powerful than their natural counterparts and recognizable by their monstrous size.

After the affliction is contracted, a human has to either cure it or wait for the next full moon. When the full moon rises, they become lost in the animal, and the human parts of them are deeply buried. With diligent practice, afflicted shifters can slowly learn to control their transformations and themselves while transformed. This control is known as attunement. As they grow in power, they may eventually unlock the magic available to their natural-born brethren. Until then, they have nothing but physical abilities.

Creating an Afflicted Shifter[edit | edit source]

So you've been seriously wounded by a very strange animal, a serious wound that likely sent you to the hospital or any healer you knew in a panic, and on the next full moon, you sprouted fur, fangs, and claws. When creating your character, refer to the Creation Guide for a step by step explanation of the whole process. Below is a quick reference guide to the first two ranks of the Afflicted Shifter Path.

Quick Creation[edit | edit source]

Starting at Reden (Untrained) Starting at Hyrd (Dabbler)
  • Select an animal. It should be a mammalian apex predator.
  • You have two (2) keyword slots at Rank 1, which you may fill with keywords from the Shifter Path Keywords.
  • You may create an Aspect based on your chosen animal.
  • You have the Hybrid and Dire Beast shifting keywords.
  • You have Heightened Strength, Heightened Speed, and Preternatural Senses out of the Universal Keywords.
  • Because you're starting at Reden, you can also add one (1) Mundane Keyword.
  • Select an animal. It should be a mammalian apex predator.
  • You have three (3) keyword slots at Rank 2, which you may fill with keywords from the Shifter Path Keywords.
  • You have one (1) combination keyword.
  • You may create an Aspect based on your chosen animal.
  • You have the Hybrid and Dire Beast shifting keywords.
  • You have Heightened Strength, Heightened Speed, and Preternatural Senses out of the Universal Keywords.
  • You have the Concordance ability.
⚑Strike 7d6 πŸ”₯Cinder 4d6 ⚑Strike 7d6 πŸ”₯Cinder 5d6

Additional Notes[edit | edit source]

Starting characters normally are only able to start at one of the two first ranks. To read more about the higher ranks, refer to Shifter Advancement for an overview.

Character Questions[edit | edit source]

Here are a few further questions you're welcome to answer as you create your character:

  • How long ago was this?
  • Was anyone there to help you or have you been alone this entire time?
  • Did you know what was happening or did it take you by surprise, throwing you into a whole new supernatural world?

Quick Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Afflicted through a serious wound from teeth or claws, can have a scar of the wound. A scratch is not enough for infection.
  • First full moon regenerates any lost limbs and heals any chronic illness present in the afflicted when they were human.
  • The afflicted shifter struggles with unwillingly shifting under stress, threat, and emotional duress. Mechanically, there are dice rolls and odds associated with Attunement that deals with the question of control.
  • The shift itself is painful, but quick.
  • Afflicted shifters do not have access to the Facsimile keyword until Mundian (Apprentice) Rank.

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